
HELP !!! my parent are TOTALLY AGAINST tattoos. thy HATE IT. it disgusts both of them.but the weird thing is ?

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that my grandpa has tats EVERYWHERE!! i woul of thot my mom would like tattoos if she had someone like that in her life..they say that if i get old and i get a tattoo that they wuld never talk 2 me again...see i really want a tat..but i dont want 2 lose my parents..i am 16 and am planning to get a tattoo when im 25-30 years 2 settle this ??? and believe me dont say ..well sit down n talk it over. jus dont work 4 them




  1. Just because your grandpa has tattoos doesn't mean that your parents like it.

    Now, considering that you can't sit and talk with them, you have to make a very tough decision. Are you parents more important than expressing yourself by getting inked?

    My parents don't approve of tattoos but both my sister and I have tattoos. Well, my parents don't know about mine yet cuz I live two states away. But they're not going to disown us over it. We're still their children and they love us very much, no matter how much we might "disfigure" ourselves. However, our tattoos mean something very special to us. We didn't just get them to be "cool" or "s**y" or whatever else. That's a big thing about tattoos -- it should be something special to you since it's permanent.

    You never know if the situation may change when you get older. And you're planning on getting one pretty far down the line. A lot can happen in 10 or so years. Your mindset might change in that time as well. You never know. So I think it's something that you don't really have to worry about quite so much at this point.

  2. If you aren't going to be getting it for another 10 or more years, why on earth do you have to settle this now? It's only going to aggravate you and your parents, making them less secepteble to the idea. Just leave it alone.

    By the time that you are 30, you may have enough sense to know that you are in charge of your life, and you can get tattoos, even if you have to be discreet around your parents for the rest of your life.

    It is not important that you discuss this with them now.  

  3. if you're still a minor, you should listen to your parents..but once you reach adulthood, your body is your temple, for you to do with it as you please. your parents will get over it...atleast mine did. at first they were all against it saying it was the worst move i've made in my life. now they like it, or atleast have learned to respect my decisions.

  4. i got a my first tat when i was 18, and wasnt totaly sober. I have since gotten 3 more, but the last 3 had meaning. What im trying to say is wait until you can find something or someone significant enough to put them or it on your body as a sign of respect, or gratitude. They lst forever, and should have real thought put in to them. no buterfly, or tramp stamp, either they will cost more to remove than to put on.

  5. my parents hated tattoos, but when i hit 18 i got one.  my trick was i warmed them up to the idea i kept telling them i am getting on and i asked them for ideas.  my dad ignorged me for weeks but i kept making sure i was near him and he could see it.  they wont hate you just it.  or get one and dont show them.  a grandma with tats h**l yea,  thats my type of granny.  mine is a religious freak.

  6. if you want one badly then get it where they most likely wont see it also listen idk what to tell you harsh really and I mean my dad is like let you mom poke around in the house and im disowning you and my mom is like megg I found bullets IM LIKE SHAT so yeah he disowned my sis so I try and do what I can not to make him mad im his prize child and im scared he'll do something rash its really like not worth it dont get one.

  7. Most parents are against it cause they don't want you getting it done and than you regretting it, but tell them its your body and what i do on it is my decision or just keep bringing up things about tattoos than they might come around. Maybe talk to you grandpa about why he thinks your mum wont let you get one?

    well hopefully you get one cause you only live once.


  8. Just get it in a place they won't see

    Or just get one done and then show them..they will not stop talking to you I can guarentee =)

    It's not up to them what you do with your life!

    I had a tattoo when I was 14 and I got it done without my mum knowing and she said she wouldnt speak to me again but she had to

    I would recommend thinking carefully about which tattooo you have aswell cus I have two and dont like any of them now! LOL



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