
HELP! need to get rid of snowboard withdrawls. how can u make FREE or houshold snow?

by  |  earlier

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not an actual product, just made outta stuff around the house




  1. my buddy actually held a jib fest in his back yard by renting a snow maker and going to a indoor ice skating rink thus he had huge blocks of ice... to make hella abundant snow... it was worked though

  2. get a snowcone maker, and use the snow it makes.

    get 4 and you can have snowball fights in july.

    So fun!

  3. Alright this is the easiest most effective way of doing this.

    Resorts on the eastcoast use this method all the time for summer jib lines

    Get some low cut carpet or astroturf is even better u know the green stuff that looks like grass.

    Lay out some dish soap on it

    spray a hose over the carpet

    Build a small wooden jump up to the feature

    cover that with the same carpet

    Keep the carpet wet as well as the box and you can slide all day no worries.

    This is super fun and cheap. TRY IT OUT

    ________/   --------------, ________

    RUN IN           BOX            LANDING

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