
HELP needed! What else to add to my painting? HELP needed! Pictures inside?

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i am going for a desert highway scene. what else should i put in the painting. thanks. I am just a beginner in this art form but what do you think?




  1. Maybe you could put some stars or clouds in your night sky. You could try putting in a few animals like cattle or a coyote. How able a few tumbleweeds? Looks pretty good, keep painting!

  2. put a guy with a chainsaw, or a donkey or like a bunch of guys on harleys.

  3. a tumble weed!

  4. I already see a face (or two) in the road.

    It  looks like a Native American man, an old man. ghost image in the pavement

    Using relaxed gaze, see it?

    like seeing images in clouds.

    I think you already know how to 'finish' this,

    use your heart, you will get ideas.

    relax  as you look at your work- it is your work

    It may not be a good idea to reveal your images before you are ready.

    Only show your work to people you really trust.

    Some people give their opinions about things they no nothing about, and may discourage you.

    Don't be discouraged, keep painting. only you know what is best for your art.

    I like your atmospheric perspective in the sky, horizon,

    it contrasts with sudden sharp hill in the front.

    What most people are expecting to see is the two lines converge  in the distance.

    You painted what you saw- the hill. So people who look at art and only see what they already know are not going to get it.

    It is a mark in time.

    The feeling of being left alone

    It could be that your painting is finished.

    'made me breathe deeply and feel my own lonliness.

  5. You need it to put a tumble weed going across the road. Then a moon and stars in the sky. Maybe, you can put an armadillo on the side of the road.

  6. Do something so random. Put something in there that should not be there like a child, or a naked woman.

    The painting feels very raw and dark and I think adding a bit of desperation or vulnerability will be nice.

  7. Add a huge face of an owl and make one of his eyes the moon. Nice painting bro.

  8. You could probably draw something small running across the street like a couple of snakes or lizards you could also put a couple of rocks on the side of the road and a comet going across the sky or something. I think your painting looks nice though.  

  9. Your doing good so far with your painting but here are my suggestions. First off I think you need a little more value in your painting, everything seems to blend together, there should be definite lights and darks in your painting. I agree with the other answer you should add some stars and maybe the moon and some tumble weeds. Also how about some lines in the middle of the road. You should make the road get smaller like its going into the distance because right now it just looks like a rectangle in the middle of your picture, try doing your road something like this:

  10. For a beginner great job, its coming time to critic, the only thing that boths me about your painting are the white lines, everything else is pretty much monochromatic if you decide to keep the white line how about break them up, kinda fading into the horizon. As, to what it needs, I don't think to need to add to much more (just work with the color), like I said you're doing great.

    Don't take offense, hope this helps :D

  11. look at your painting then close your eyes see it,feel it and you well know your answer doesn't matter what it is my not even make scents to you just paint what you see and feel you well have your painting.

  12. Yes, you do. If you are sincere and are the adult in the photographs please take some classes, workshops, anything to give yourself a base from which to start. You need perspective, color theory and drawing just to start. Best of luck.

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