
HELP! on resing up a RAW image to 100 from 40.5 without it looking bad. Final size has to be 96"x59".?

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When I open the RAW image in CS 3, it comes out to 16.2"x10.8" at 240 Res. Is there a way I convert the RAW image to the final size of 96"x59". I thought shooting RAW was THE best for enlargements. I've been told by my printer friend that there is a way, but he didn't tell me and he is on vacation. I am desperate need of some advice & Guidance. It needs to look good.




  1. Images that large are usually printed from images shot on medium format transparencies or even 4x5 sheet film.

    Before you drag out your film camera and reshoot, check with some of the labs that print large photographs and have a talk with them.  They may have some magical interpolation software they use to make images that large from digital image files.

    Make sure you image file is in focus and shows no camera movement, since any flaw there will be magnified as the image size goes up.

    When on assignment and I know the client wants images that are larger than 4x6 feet, I use a 4x5 view camera ... the secondary advantage is the camera is mounted on a tripod, so camera movement is eliminated.

  2. That is definitely going WAY up there. I would not even consider using any home based res up software such as Geniune Fractals. You need to seek the advice of a PROFESSIONAL lab that prints large sizes. They willl likely be using what is called RIP software in the printer to up size the photo. It does very well, and can probably give you what you need. But again, I am talking a PRO lab, NOT someplace like Kinkos or Sams or Wolf. I use Chromatics in Nashville, Tn. You can contact them if you know of no other lab in your area.


  3. There's a program that can blow up pictures and have them keep the same quality, I've heard. I don't know how it works, but I've heard it exists.

    I'd google something like that.  

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