
HELP on science expirement over global warming?

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I already have all the research now i just need an expirement to go along with it. Any ideas?




  1. Naveet, that demonstration is so flawed I am appalled that anyone  would be naive enough to suggest it. The mechanism of an atmospheric greenhouse effect is one of radiative forcing. That is, the greenhouse gas has absorption lines in the infrared that theoretically prevent surface infrared emissions from freely radiating away from the planet.

    The Jar experiment you reference is not based on radiation but, instead, on convection. The cover on the jar keeps the gasses contained therein from mixing with the surrounding air and equilibrating with it. It has absolutely nothing to do with a theoretical greenhouse effect.

    Beyond being simply unrelated, it doesn't even investigate the "greenhouse effect" of a change in atmospheric constituency. That is, the current claim is that the increased atmospheric concentration of CO2 due to human activity is resulting in global warming. The experiment you reference does not even attempt to explore the contribution of a greenhouse gas.

    There are a number of equally idiotic experiments on the internet where one compares the temperature increase in a jar containing CO2 and another containing air. This is also incredibly flawed in that CO2 molecules are 50% more massive than the mean mass of an air molecule. This means that CO2, on average, travels slower than air molecules at the same temperature. Slower speed equals fewer impacts with the jar walls and fewer impacts means less conduction of heat through the vessel walls. So this experiment actually measures the relative mass of CO2 molecules and not the contribution of CO2 to a greenhouse effect.

    In fact, that's your experiment. Do the CO2 and air-filled jar experiment and plot the temperature of the CO2 filled jar against the temperature of the air-filled jar over time. The slope of the line will be 1.23 (within experimental error) which is completely explained by the square-root of the ratio of mean molecular masses. The conclusion would then be simply that there is no laboratory experiment that can confirm the existence of the greenhouse effect. On the contrary, the results of all such attempted experiments can be fully explained indicating that the greenhouse effect, if it exists at all, is negligibly small.


  3. Navaneet!  I love "Global Warming in a Jar".  What a great little demonstration.  My hat is off to you!

    You may want to discuss some of these items, since they'll be discussed on the internet until the end of time (like the 40 pound cat)

  4. WOW.....   I LOVE THAT EXPERIMENT!  That is an excellent experiment.  Now, to stop GLOBAL WARMING nut cases altogether, go into your chemistry lab and get ONE MORE JAR full of CO2 and record THAT DATA....  

    Don't just stop at a half baked experiment!


    When the sun goes down and it gets cool, where does that dastardly CO2 go?????  So, we are nothing like a greenhouse, are we?  LOLOLOL

    DR. T. you are totally right but you will be ignored as well since it does not CONFORM to brainwashed hypothesis....

    Did you realize as well that all of these thousands of people are accepting Gore's computer models as scientific fact???  That is what pisses off Denmark!  That's all they got is some computer model that is too complex to make any reasonable sense.

  5. 1.Go to to know more and more about Global Warming.It'll help you because there is so much to read about it.

    2.Global Warming In jar- Go to

    Thank You

  6. do what navaleete said or whatever

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