
HELP on stopping using bags?

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I know that we should stop using paper and plastic bags....i get it...I really do. So I've tried to convince my mom to use reusable bags. But there's a problem. We use the paper bags as trash bags in our recycling. Rather then going and buying plastic bags. So how can we stop getting bags and use a recycling bin?




  1. You can get used to using what is called the green bag it is made of cloth.  We shop at Costco and are use to not using bags or boxes we just put it in the car from the cart!  It is all in what you get use to!  I hate the plastic bags that are at the store.  They usually just put a few items in them and they just roll around and come out anyway!

  2. u can take a simple reusable canvas bag to the store and use that instead of using the plastic or paper bags that they give u, just tell them to put it that bag.

  3. you are always going to use a little bit of plastic. there is somethings you cant replace with other thing. so its ok if you use a little.

  4. We invariably get plastic bags whether we want to or not. People bring things in that are in plastic and leave the bags. We forget our bags or don't have enough on big shopping trips.

    We reuse all of those bags for other shopping trips or going to the farmers market or what ever, we just hand them our plastic bags to use.

    Yes we use the recycled bags and the canvas bags for small shopping trips, but we feel that by using the plastic ones several times before we recycle them it helps a little more.

  5. Maybe the best way to think about this is baby steps - if you can reduce your use of both paper and plastic that is a small victory, right? Eventually it will be easier when the companies that make your favorite products start using more bio-degradable packing, and less of it, so in turn you have less to throw away.

    Here's how I would suggest you start:

    Be mindful of everything you buy - before putting a product in your cart or ordering from a takeout/deliver place ask yourself - "What will happen to this packaging when I am done using the product?"

    This simple step will make you mindful of how much trash you will make later and can cut your garbage quite a bit thus cutting your use of paper/plastic trash bags.

    Practice saying "No bag, thank you" - If you forget your reusable bags at home, still say "No bag, please" (if it is possible) or buy another re-useable one. After a while you will grow tired of carrying your purchases home in your arms or having 30 canvas bags hidden everywhere you think of!

    Walk to the store if possible - You will be much less likely to buy the 24pack of water if you have to lug it home as well as anything else you really don't need.

    Compost what you can - Food, paper, lots of thing we normally throw away and be composted. Even if you live in an apartment!

    Rinse off your trash before throwing it away - Cleaned containers, bottles and other things that might get smell will be easier to live with when they are rinsed clean. If you really want to be green - use gray water to do the rising.

    Keep packaging - Yes it might pile up, but a box that once held your new dvd player can be used to hold one week's recycling. Get in the habit of crushing anything you can before storing it. It is a great way to work out daily frustrations - mashing trash.

    Finally if you need plastic bags...use corn plastic bags. PLA is a great alternative to other petroleum based plastics. And since the process uses waste corn, it is like using sawdust from the lumber mill, waste to product!

    Anyway you can cut use of paper or plastic bags is a job well done, give yourself credit for trying and being willing to make the effort!

  6. Our answer to this is to use a black bio-degradable bin bag for land fill rubbish - we put in directly into a large bin in the house and usually fill one per week.  We recycle or compost everything else.....We use a strong plastic bag to collect plastic items & tip these into the skip at the tip & bring home the bag to use again.  Paper & card etc., we collect in paper sacks (we buy animal food in these...these can all then go straight into the re-cycling with the packaging.  We have used jute/hessian bags for about two years now....just get into the habit of carrying one.  I have a shoulder one which is great for shopping in town.....and three others which fit into a supermarket trolley.

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