
HELP one of my bridesmaids just backed out and now i have...

by Guest59599  |  earlier

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one of my bridesmaids just backed out because of wedding costs which i totally understand and respect her decision but now it leaves me with the problem of to many ushers and not enough bridesmaids. do i try to find another bridesmaid or demote an usher (or is that unacceptable) please help




  1. The "sides" do not have to be even. Just leave things as they are and two groomsmen or ushers can escort one bridesmaid. No worries.

  2. I had the same thing happen, and I didn't do either one. I kept all the same attendants in the same position. what i did was have all of the ushers or groomsmen enter with the groom, and each of the bridesmaids walked down the aisle alone. Then we went out, one of the girls had a groomsman on each arm. It worked and it turned out beautiful. You can do what you like, but you do not have to find another bridesmaid or demote an usher. If you feel that you need to do one of those, i would try to find another bridesmaid before demoting an usher. Good Luck and Congratulations!

  3. Truthfully, now a days it doesnt matter if youre not even on each side. You could have someone double up walking in/out. If youre about tradition, i would just try to find another bridesmaid. I wouldnt demote an usher because in all actuality since the usher is on HIS side, if anyone demotes anybody, HE should be the one to do it.  

  4. There is nothing wrong with having an odd number of Groomsmen and Bridesmaids. I only have 3 girls in my party but my fiance has 5 groomsmen.  We are having the groomsmen without a "lady" to walk back up the aisle carry a photo of our parents who have passed, my mother and his father.  

  5. You don't have to have an exact equal amount of ushers vs bride's maids...don't demote any of the guys,please.

  6. try to find another bridesmaid or you may have an odd amount of ushers to bridesmaids. Do NOT get rid of an usher if they already were asked to be a part of your wedding party!

    Good luck!

  7. You could try to find another bridesmaid. I did that and it worked out fine. They are called groomsman, not ushers, by the way. Groomsmen stand up with your FI. Ushers show people to their seat.

  8. You don't have to have everything even. If you are worried about people walking down the aisle you can just pair one bridesmaid up with two ushers...I'm sure that bridesmaid wouldn't mind having two guys escorting her.

    Either that or you can offer to pay for your bridesmaids expenses. I don't know if I would ask someone else to take her place - it might end with some hurt feelings.  

  9. Just find another bridesmaid.  If you can't do that, then its really not a big deal. Now a days it doesn't even matter if its even or not.  

  10. I think it would be in bad taste to demote one of the ushers. I would instead, if you have time, ask someone else to step in as a bridesmaid. Or if you have an extra pair of ushers then have them walk together and bring up the back. This is what my friend did for her wedding. She only had three bridesmaids, whereas her husband had like seven groomsmen. I really wouldn't stress too much about this detail though, this happens all the time, and everyone is there to see you and your future husband and won't remember if the bridesmaid/groomsmen ratio is uneven.  

  11. Try to find another bridesmaid if you can.

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