
HELP!! please a 3 question easy survey about animal testing for biology!!

by  |  earlier

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1. Do you support animal testing? why or why not?

2. Do you think there is another way to test products? If so, what?

3. Would you ever consider protesting against it?

I need about 15 people to answer. please hurry. This is the last assignment I need to do before I finish the whole biology course.




  1. 1. undecided, it has  done many good in the past even for the animals themselves, but not sure if i want be tested on or if they really wanted to tested on

    2. yes, tissue culture testing and spirituality

    3.Only if there are other concrete and proven methods exits

    good luck

  2. 1. Yes. It's not any worse than growing animals to be killed an eaten.

    2. I doubt there is a cheap and effective method that can replace animal testing.

    3. No.

  3. 1.  Yes, as long as the product is designed to improve or protect the health of humans.  That is, who in his/her right mind would take a prescription medication if the drug had never been tested on animals to determine its toxicity?   I don't support animal testing for cosmetics.

    2.  There might be some alternate ways of testing, but I return to my initial question.  There is no computer model that will predict the effects of a new drug on a human being.  That is, where in the computer do you inject the drug that you wish to test?

    3.  No.

  4. 1.  No, I do not support animal testing.  In this day and age, there is no need for it.  We know what products are safe and what aren't...furthermore, they can now plug the info into their software and learn what the outcome of using the product would be.

    2. Answered above.

    3. I have actually protested against it, and would do it again.  

  5. 1. no- it is wrong animals have feelings

    2. yes- but i cant really explain

    3. no- cause you can get in trouble

  6. Yes. I believe it is better for one animal to suffer than millions of people AND other animals.

    2. I wish there was, but I don't think so.

    3. No

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