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Hey people! im int he 8th grade and homeschooled, but I wanna go into highschool for 9-12 grade! Do you think I should go and make memories or stay at home? in kinda coming out of my so called shell and wanna meet new people really bad, but my mom says I should I should stay home, that its not all its craked up to be! So what should I do?





  1. I was home schooled in 7th grade and for me it wasnt a good thing. when I went back into public school it was a whole new experience. I loved it! New people and whatnot. I think you should try it out and if you dont like it you can go back to home schooling

  2. hey! I know where you are coming from. I am in 11th grade and i was home schooled until 8th. There is a lot of peer pressure when you go to school so you'd have to be ready for that. I'm glad that i decided to go because i now have a great group of friends and it really helps with time management. there are alot of opportunities that come with school as well, although you also lose freedoms (like sleeping in!). I tried out a school play, basketball, softball, and track. It is lots of fun but don't feel bad if you can't go because there are a lot of times that I wish that I were still home schooled. It brought me so close to my parents and my brothers. Either way, you will definitely have a lot of great high school memories! good luck!:)

  3. If you go to high school you will meet a lot of peeps. The question you wanna be in a position where you are under a constant microscope and where your value system is being challenged at all ends? My advise...if you want a great education stay home, if you want new friends than find them within the realm of what you are all about and what you really like to do. and remember, prom is just a party. Good luck!

  4. It really isn't. And highschool does anything BUT prepare you for life and the real world. If you want to meet people you can do it by joining clubs, teams, activities, volunteering, and maybing even seeing if your local highschool allowes homeschoolers to participate in their activities (though it isn't necessary as there are ample opportunities in your community to meet people, make friends, make memories, and have fun.) Even a homeschool support group is a big step. Highschool doesn't teach you to socialize. That has to come naturally, and it doesn't come when you have people of the same age and academic level with no deviation forced upon you. College life requires independence and self-motivation, and highschool doesn't teach that. In highschool all your affairs are handled by a councilor behind closed doors, your schedule is usually decided for you, your teacher tells you when and how to study and walks you step by step through everything and makes sure you have your homework done instead of letting you learn from natural consequences. You still have to ask permission to use the toilet for christ's sake! ANd if you've been homeschooled all this time you're probably ahead academically. They may place you in honors classes if they think you can 'handle" it, but take it from me, it isn't much. In the honors English 1 class I took there were SENIORS who were still repeating the class for the 4th year, and half the students couldn't tell the teacher what a pronoun was, but of course I wasn't allowed to move up to Advanced Placement because I was a freshman, and those classes are just for juniors and up. Don't take my word though. Highschool works for some people I suppose. If you're curious, see if you can shadow a student at your local school for a few days, or enroll in 9th grade and give it a try. You can always go back to homeschooling if you don't like it. Or maybe your highschool will be better than the schools in my state and you'll love it. It all depends on the person.

  5. Go to the high school.

  6. What is stopping you from making memories and homeschooling? Whatever has convinced you that it is a one or the other situation is wrong. You have every opportunity to build lasting friendships and have tons of fun as a homeschooler. What exactly is it you think you are missing? High school is not like Nickelodeon sitcoms. I'm sorry, but I think your mom is right. But, every body's experience is different. Try out high school. Otherwise, you'll always wonder what could have been. Just make sure that your parents decide this is best. Whatever Mom decides should be honored and obeyed.

  7. i go to a public high school and it is hard but fun there are dances and a lot of different people, i also have been to a private school which isn't so fun if you don't have a lot of money or some fancy new thing every time you turn around.. so public high school would be better and homeschooling never done that but i wouldn't like being stuck in the house with books to work on all day.. so i think go to public school

  8. School has TONS of drama. But, this is my 1st year of home school (7Th grader) and 8Th grade I am going back to public school. I have my reasons...anyways my friend who is also home schooled (From K-7) is going to public school for 8Th grade. I am not sure she is going to like it, because she has strong opinions. She knows how to act in public but I am afraid that she might need a little more 1 on 1 attention, like she did back in home school. So it depends on the person.

    ♥ Good Luck! =]

  9. Well, it depends.  I went back to public school for high school and I didn't like it at all, and went back to homeschooling.  My brother also went back to public school for high school and he liked it and is still there.  But if you're just going back to "make memories," there are plenty of other ways to do that!  I mean, for example, you probably want to be able to have the memory of going to senior prom.  But most of the stories I hear about senior prom is about kids getting drunk out of their minds or crying because their dates leave them halfway through the night.  I'm not saying that would definitely happen; I'm just saying that those "wonderful high school memories" are sort of cliche and not so much something that actually happens.  My homeschooled friends and I had "anti-prom" on prom night, dressed up and went out to eat, and then had a party at one of their houses...and it was really fun!  There are plenty of ways to make memories.  You can join youth groups, volunteer, etc.

    If you're just interested in meeting all the people at the high school, you could do what I did... just try it, and see if you like it or not.  If you don't, you still will have met people that you can hang out with and probably go to school dances and games with.  Also, in a couple years you will probably get a job and meet lots of new people there.

    So I guess my overall advice is to try it and maybe you will like it, but don't expect it to be the most amazing thing ever.

  10. You should go. It really is an interesting experience, you do so much and learn so much. If your mom is worried about not having advanced enough classes, lots of highschools offer at least honors classes, many also offering college level AP Classes...for nearly everything: English, Physics, French, name it, you can get college credit for it. I'd do it for a year and if worst comes to worst, go back to homeschooling.

  11. First, I'll tell you that I'm a homeschooling mom, so I may be prejudiced!  :)  Second, let me say that while homeschooling works for me and my kids, I know that it doesn't work for all kids or families.  My 7th grade daughter has friends who attend several different public schools, and I know that they are all good kids and would be good friends to someone coming into school from homeschooling.

    That being said, I think that 7th, 8th and 9th grades are the worst grades for kids to be in school.  Kids that age are often at their meanest and most cliquish.  Their behavior is often exclusive and many are trying to prove themselves, often in negative ways.  There's no guarantee that going to school will provide you with a social life (at least, one worth having), and there's certainly nothing that prevents you from having a social life now.  Ask your mom to find some homeschooling groups in your area.  

    If you and your mom decide that going back to school is a possibility, please know that the memories you will make are not likely to all be positive.  Choose your friends carefully at your new school - find friends with whom you share real interests, rather than trying to get into a group because of their apparent social status.  You will certainly have some fun and make some good memories whether you go to school or stay home.

  12. Well if your home schooled you can still meet new people and make friends. You can

    Join a homeschool group, volunteer at your library, join a sports club, join a library club ( I am currently in a library homeschool chess club),  volunteer at a animal shelter, ect...

       But if you really want to be public schooled you can ask your Mom and Dad if you could just try it out, and if it does not work go back to homeschooling.

       But I recommend home school. You do not need to be public schooled to have friends!

  13. I have to say I agree with the other homeschool mom... but alas, I'm another homeschool mom!   My daughter is in 10/11th grade - she does not want to go to public school.  She gets her school work done in just a few hours a day, she has plenty of homeschooled friends and is involved in various homeschool activities.   Her favorite is a drama group  - all homeschoolers - I think there are 40 kids involved this year.   She also has public and private school friends through our church youth group.  She participates in a lot of activities there.   Sometimes we have too much of a social life!  

    Her few experiences with teen girl drama episodes (not her drama class/group)  have been more than enough to show her that she doesn't want to be involved in that all the time.  

    Socialization is such an over used words.... and I loved the comment about it preparing you for the 'real world'....  where else in your life other than college, will you be stuck with a bunch of people your same age?  no where.  You will have to be with older, younger and same age people and interact with them all.   I find most homeschool kids have a very well rounded social circle.  

    I did enjoy high school - but not for the right reasons.   I'm proud that my daughter has taken a different path than I did at her age.  I am not in touch with anyone from my high school days - and I live in the same area.   You grow up and everyone moves on.  It really isn't all that it's cracked up to be.  At the time you think it's "everything" and these will be my friends forever.... I have one friend - I've had since I was 6 - I'm 41 now - we keep in touch.   (we graduated together, but now live on opposite coasts)

    Talk it over with your mom.   (and dad)   - do my favorite thing - make a list of pros and cons - discuss them with your folks - see what out weighs the other.  

    Good Luck on your decision.

  14. u should go to the high school, because it prepares you for life. all the drama and ppl you meet . plus u need a social life.
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