
HELP! please?

by  |  earlier

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I need help. I have a 1 year old daughter. me and her dad went to court in june and he had 6 weeks supervised visitation because they did not have a relationship together. we met at the park every thurs and fri. for 1 1/2 hrs. well now she still screams even if im 50 feet away. he burnt her in the eye (on accident) with a cig. 2 days after her 1st birthday. he has no clue what to do with her. this week hes supposed to get her alone for the first time. hes a drug addict. hes a crazy driver. im so scared about it. last friday he pulled out his joint papers and tried to hide them really fast. he also swore on our daughters life that he doesnt smoke pot. (i could have killed him) I didnt say anything to him about it. I dont want my daughter to be around it. I've tried to call my lawyer but havent heard anything yet. What can I do? I dont want him to have her alone but i dont want to get introuble either! help please.




  1. Until the court says otherwise, you have to keep bringing her for visitation.  It's unfortunate, but it's the law.  If you don't, you could get into legal trouble.  Contact your lawyer ASAP.  Tell him what you know, and try to petition for a court - ordered drug test for Dad.  If he's found with drugs in his system, he will most likely get no more than supervised visitation - and maybe not even that.  Good luck.

  2. Well, lets see, he's a drug addict, crazy driver, I more than likely would put my foot down and say that their visits have to be supervised.

  3. i'm sorry to say that there is not alot you can do. He is her daddy and he has a right to see her whether he is a drug addict or not. Unless he does something when he has her to put her in danger and you can prove it he will be able to get her. I feel for you I know how you want to protect your child. Good luck

  4. call child protective services and ask them what to do...
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