
HELP ! please........" i'm seriousley feeling down "?

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I'ts not like me....i have had something so serious happen

that it has changed so much withing my family, within me.

I am so .......down now ....i can't discuss because of privacy

but i can't go sad. Can anyone give me a little bit of

maybe ..Hope .




  1. Hmm..not too easy because i dont know what happened.

    Just think of one thing -

    In the long run, is it worth getting so upset about this or can u lift ur chin up and say that u're an individual who has a life

  2. Sweetheart, I am sorry you are feeling so sad. I agree with the poster who suggested you pray. Prayers always help. I also think that since what has happened has changed you and your family then it is very serious and you all need to seek professional help. They are bound by confidentiality which means your privacy will not be invaded. It is the law. It is just like going to confession and talking to a priest. He can never repeat a word of what you have confessed.

    Here's what I want for you, to get the help you all need to see a much brighter world out there. And, to know that no matter how terrible your trauma is there are people who are concerned about you and your family. There are strangers you will never meet who are praying for you and I am one of them. To know I love you and want you well again and to be that person you once were. I want you to get on with the wonderful life that is ahead just for you. This is only the beginning baby and this traumatic incident can be put into perspective and you can understand that you have every right to feel sad. You and your family have been hurt. No one likes pain be it emotional or physical and it takes time, with understanding and treatment, to look forward with eager determination to live your life to the fullest. You can do it sweetheart. Why has this happened to you and your family only God knows. What I do know is you can all get through this together. That is what the family is for, to lean on each other at times such as this. Keep looking up baby. Look at the beautiful sky that God has made. See how beautiful the blue sky is against the white clouds. That is all God's handiwork. Know that there is One who is there for you, who created you and who will always be by your side.

    I have never had a problem saying I love you. I say it to my family all the time. If you were standing in front of me right now I would say it to you and give you the biggest, warmest hug and just hold on to you to try to ease some of your pain. Since I cannot do that I want you to visualize that I am by closing your eyes and thinking of what I have just said. I am the mother of four and grandmother of two and I understand what you have written. I want you to get help so you will have that peace in you heart and a love of life again. You can do it little one. I know you can.

  3. You need to focus on those parts of your life that are going well, and let go of things you cannot control yourself.  Be a friend to those close to you that need you, but try to stay away from places where you could get hurt.  We all get tested from time to time, but in the end it is always better.

  4. I'm so sorry that your going through a hard time right now. Most of us are tougher than we think, and we adjust and get past our troubles & tragedies. I have no doubt that you will do just that.

  5. Say this prayer: "God, send your love, God send your peace and Lord please give me a sound mind."

  6. What is it that you feel so down and sad but we are in the dark, blind to what is happening to you & your family.

    Keep Kool and steady yourself and do a total recall to what had happen and  think hard what you can do.   Keep telling yourself you can face it and recount them.   Be sure to give confidence to yourself and say,"I can make it no matter what will come".

    Pray for better days ahead and believe in it.  Best of everything.

  7. I was wondering why I had not heard from you. I assumed there was some serious things going on in your life. You seemed so up and happy last we chatted. I am hoping that this too, shall pass. My thoughts are with you.

    You can go on! You are a strong and empowering person and you have so often given strength to others, now you need to rely on others to give you strength and courage. You can overcome whatever tragedy has befallen you.

    I am here for you Michealla.

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