
HELP quick tip on golf?

by  |  earlier

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Well im trying out for the golf team, and my golf clubs are super old. Do you think they will weaken my chances of making the team? My cousin says they will but idk what to think! Ive been playing since i was seven so for seven years ive played. If you have any other tips they are very much appreciated!!




  1. They should be okay, but the grooves on the club head can get worn out, you can have these re-grooved by a golf shop.  You should also have your grips replaced every year if you play golf more than three times a week.  Golf clubs are improving every year at an exponential rate, the have better MOI and spin rates so if you find yourself at a spot where your game is not improving I suggest a new set of this years clubs(2008) FITTED to you.  But I think only you know whether its the CLUBS or you that is limiting your game.  They shot low scores in 1956 so old golf clubs work.

  2. as long as their in good shape they should be fine

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