
HELP! recently iv been suffering a pain from the top of both of my tibia (shin bone) anybody know what wrong?

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top of the tibia just under the knee, it hurts when pressure is put on to my leg and feels tender and bruised when pressed




  1. sounds like a tendon injury to me...see your doc.....

  2. It could be Job Related, either Standing on your Legs all Day or else sitting down at  Computers or Machines. You need to exercise take a Walk for an Hour. Probably Water building up in the Legs or  Blood Pressure. I know I get Stagnated when sitting at this Computer to much and my Legs get Heavy and Sore ,and I have to get up and Dance around to loosen it up.

  3. There is no way a diagnosis is possible from the minimal information give. It could simly be low grade trauma. If you are under 16 years it might just be Osgood-Schlatters disease. If you continue to be troubled make a routine GP appointment.

  4. I'm a physio and i can safely say that it is not shin splints...the pain from shin splints is felt much lower down the tibia. As for what it actually is.. thats quite difficult to say because you don't give alot of info. It could be osgood schlatters as someone mentioned, if you are young, this basically occurs due to growing! It could also be a patellarfemoral pain or it could be patellar tendinopathy (which sounds most likely to me). you should look this up. Otherwise, visit a doctor. Good luck :)

  5. It sounds very much to me like shin splints. I won't give all the details here as but if you see the following link it should help

  6. It sounds like shin splints. Have you started walking more than usual? Running? New job where you're on your feet all day? Working on hard floors? New shoes? I know how painful they can be, but they will eventually work their way out. In the meantime, pop some ibuprofen. Try not to wear the same pair of shoes all day long. Keep one for work and one for non-work use. Even a separate pair for working out. Remember to keep track of mileage walked or run (fitness) as shoes need to be replaced after about 600 miles even if they still look good! It's all about support. Hope this helps!

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