
HELP some guys at school found out...?

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I had a bud over last week and he slept on the couch..well I always sleep in my parents room (I know) it's just somethin I always have done. I will go to bed in my room then half way through the night I wake up usually and go into my mom n dad's room and sleep with them. Well me and my bud got in a fight when we were at a campground together 2 days ago and he somehow saw me sleepin with my parents from before, so he said he was gonna tell a bunch of people! Well I know he told them cuz one guy mentioned it on msn yesterday!! F*CK! Now I am so scared for school to start next week, I know everyone is gonna make fun and im prolly gonna get beat up.. what should I do?!?!? I am goin into gr 10! HELP!




  1. why would you get beat up over this..?

    Lie.. tell them you have no idea what your friend is talking about. that your friend has not been at your house, (or ever if you can say that) and NO you do not sleep with your parents.../

    Or you could play the 'something 'bad' happen to you when you were little and it sometimes gives you night terrors (night terrors are worse then nightmares).  and it give you comfort to sleep on your parent FLOOR at night..

    then when you see this friend that opened his mouth.. SLAM his head into a locker ...

  2. Okay,

    1. Lie. Make your friend look like a liar and say NO, that's not true! Where did you hear that??? Hopefully it will blow over. Don't be too defensive though, that gives it away that you are lying. And don't say anything about it yourself, because you might give some info that completely gives you away. Be a skilled liar. You know nothing about it. Your friend is just being a lil jerk and not telling the truth.

    2. Make a joke out of it. Awyeah, I had a nightmare!! And when people make fun of you, keep joking. This one is harder though. And you'll break soon. So avoid this choice.

    3. Tell your friend that you don't want to talk to him anymore unless he takes it all back. Tell people that your friend made it all up. (Sorta the same as #1)

    4. Tell your friends that you just had to sleep in their room for that one night because your sheets were dirty or your bed was a mess or something like that. Or tell them that you just painted your walls, you have termites in your room, I don't know, some reason why you can't sleep in your room for the time being! If your friend was on the couch, then obviously you couldn't have slept on the couch, therefore your parents room was the only option. Tada. Solid plan, no one needs any more details than that.

    Try sleeping in your own room, I had that problem up until like, 4th grade, I was too afraid of the dark to sleep in my own room! But my parents got me a night light and I slept with the door open, I felt a lot better and now I sleep without the night light and my door closed. Really, it's just a habit that you have to break eventually. Do you want to be 16 and still sleeping with your parents? If this doesn't work, then try sleeping on the couch. It's better than sleeping in your room, really. After I watch scary movies, I HAVE to sleep on the couch, I feel safer for some reason aha. So try breaking the habit. Plus, it'll help your confidence if people mess with you about it.

    Just try not to let it get to you, yes, some people are going to laugh, but seriously, is it any of their business? They'll remember it in their mind, but it's NOT going to be a big deal. They will just keep on going on with their lives. Really. Not a biggie. Don't sweat it. Have an alibi handy and stick with it. Don't let it get you down! [:

  3. You live and you learn. You should probably stop sleeping with your parents. And if the guys want to beat you up, fine. Just fight back, and if they don't want to be your friends because of this, then they were never friends in the first place. Just move on and be strong.

  4. You don't have to be afraid..

    Go to school if someone teased you .. say this to them..

    " well yeah , I have a one nice family that love me more than your family love you.. "

    " it's my life, what do you have to care about "

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