
HELP!! <span title="ACNE!!!!!!!.............................?">ACNE!!!!!!!.................</span>

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so like my sister haves severe acne, shes tried everything.. and nothing seems to work

i worry about her face alawys being so itchy and she says it feels like if her face was on fire

anybody know something that can calm her itch without harming her face or making it more worse

my mom bough her creams that can help but the thing is that theyre oily and that makes her get more acne

(she haves very sensitive skin)

hmmm she cant have any creams that contain peroxide in it because itll just make her face red

ummm she cleans her face every day.. like sometimes she exaggerates..(like 6 times a day) eats healthy umm

she has also tried putting honey..didnt really work

we made an appointmet with dermatalogist

because her acne bleeds but the prob is that after the 1st appointmet the next one wont be till like may next year..thats too long




  1. Hunny, I have no solution for you, becasue I am there with her!  Its BAD!!!  Ive tried everything under the sun, even the highly expensive ****!!!  I have come to the realization that nothing will work for me, and it is very sad!  I am 23 years old! All in highschool, my face was like porceline! Not a single zit, beautiful complection, rosy cheeks and a nice healthy shine!  Now...i cant even look in the mirror!  Good luck hunny!  The stuff the dermotologist gave me didnt even work  :-(  

  2. well, your sis should try the skin id thing. it personalizes your skin and meets your needs. Has anyone in your family had really bad acne like it?If so it might be a gene passed on. i use Aveeno Eczema Care. Go find a good dermatologist. There is a good 1 in my area. New Orleans, La. Glad to help. Godd Luck.

  3. This is what I do.

    I buy a face mask ( noxema ) - they have it for all sorts of skin types. I put it on a small portion ( like on a pimple ) and sleep with it, in the morning it is not;s smaller. She does not need to wash her face that much, it will dry it out making it itchy. Tell her to wash her face with warm water and rinse with cold ( the warm water will open the poors and the cold water will close them. )

    I have also heard putting tooth paste on it before you go to bed.

    Just tell her to try it ( if you like the idea ) - but to do it on a small portion of her skin, just incase it makes it worse.

    I hope I helped

  4. try using a moisturizer for sensitive skin. make sure it is unscented. do not over wash your face or use alcohol on your skin. it will just make your skin overproduce oil. i use the neutrogena wave and i think it works. also every few days i use a clay mask. when you have sensitive skin you can&#039;t use acne creams everyday because they are too strong. a dermatologist prescribed me cream and when i used it everyday it made my skin peel.

  5. this songs kinda weird but i heard pepto bismo helps with the itching just put a little on a cotton ball apply it to the face ffor a few minutes until it drys and rinse it off

  6. That&#039;s unfortunate. Well if you don&#039;t want to be patient and wait for it to go away on it&#039;s own, as you say she&#039;s fairly healthy then hmm... Try getting more frequent dermatologist appointments? Why wouldn&#039;t you be able to get at least twice a year? That seems kind of ridiculous. Take it up with your insurance company. That&#039;s probably why you can&#039;t get an appointment till next year.  

  7. yeah dont worry i have very super sensitive skin also the thing is i dont have acne i just have a little bit of redness,called rosacea

    you said she felt like her face was on fire, i have felt that before also,

    its because most people with highly sensitive skin are allergic or have little reaction to the benzol peroxide

    i would recomment you use a calming balm,

    but its epensive

    what i use on my face is a clinique anti itch soothing relief cream

    what it does it soothes the face and contains very little chemicals in it, so it makes you feel all better

    if you want to know a product to get rid of acne just email me:]

  8. tell her doctor this i had bad acne an my doc gave me some cream and now im cleat mine is called Tretinoin Cream  

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