
HELP <span title="pLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?">pLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

by  |  earlier

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Ok heres a few business names iv'e come up with and could do with feedback ie; your intial reaction,how it makes you feel, what impressions you get, is it memorable ,would you purchase goods from that company name etc etc.

My business sells clothing mainly but also general goods heres some names....

Tradon Clothing & General Commodities

Tradeon Clothing & General Goods

Adon Clothing & General Lines

Arad Attire & General Merchandise

Arid Clothing & Merchandise Company

Etrin Clothing & Merchandise Outlet

Brand Close Factory

PT Clothing & Merchandise

Adin Clothing & Merchandise Lines

Inton Apparel & Merchandise Lines

Please give your feedback also mix and match them to fit your own preference. Make suggestions on new or improved names.

Thanks alot for any help you provide




  1. these are just my opinions, I am no small business exeprt or anything, but here goes:

    Tradon clothing and general commodities - this sounds like a second hand store &quot;trade on&quot; as in upgrading to something else. I am not keen.

    same for tradeon..

    adon clothing and general lines - again, don&#039;t take this the wrong way, but it sounds like a cheap/discount store

    arad attire and general merchandise - this sounds better, i quite like this. it is formal in a kitsch way

    arid - sounds like arrid as in barren and dry. nope.

    etrin clothing and merchandise outlet - is ok, doesnt really move me one way or another

    brand close factory - this is more interesting, if your selling &quot;cool&quot; or fashion ranges this would be quite good.

    PT...sounds a little dull, like older person clothes

    adin clothing and merchandise lines - so-so, not really keen

    inton apparel...again, so-so, not bothered either way.

    so...i hope that helps. i actually like arad attire... best if its aimed at a family market, or brand close factory if its for a fashion range or younger people.

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