
HELP!!! (teeth problem!!)?

by  |  earlier

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today was my annual dentist visit and usually he does a good job polishing my teeth. but after i left, i was tonguing my teeth and one of my front teeth felt kind of loose.. i decided to touch it and i discovered that i could move it a little.. will my body do something to keep my tooth stable again? or am i going to look stupid in a few weeks with a missing front tooth??




  1. usually it's not such a big deal as long as your not playing with it and nothing traumatic happens to it any time soon it should fix itself i always get loose teeth from banging into things and my son hitting me in the mouth with his head

  2. Call your dentist and ask him if he noticed anything unusual with your teeth during his examination. Then tell him about your loose tooth. You may have to go in so he can look at the tooth and possibly take an x-ray and/or measure your gum pocket depth. Don't put this off.

  3. Like the first person said, speak to your dentist, mention your loose tooth and ask if he missed anything as loose teeth are a sign of gum disease.

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