
HELP! the roaches are making snow angels in the boric acid I left out.?

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I try to bomb them and they laugh and bring bongs and play hippie music. I put gel and they slick back their hair with it.

I won't even MENTION what goes on in those hotels I left out. Skid row roles of hotels, with drugs, prostitution... it's a mess.





  1. LMAO

    Too funny.  Well, you could put some music on and buy some booze and get them drunk and lure them to the street and run over them....

    Na...that won't work...

    Not all boric acids is a place I got from a friend who said they use this one and it works.  The bought it at a Fedco Store..

    Here is the print from the label:  

    McKesson BORIC ACID Powder NF

    distributed by: Mckesson Laboratories

    Division of Mckesson Corporation

    Dublin, CA  94566

    Also...check out this website...

  2. If you can't beat'em, join'em.

  3. My understanding of boric acid is that it doesn't kill them but gives the something like arthritis.  Not sure how it actually happen.  To keep them out you can use steel wool in cracks but in order to get rid of them you are better off with roach traps and such. I am fortunate that we do not have roaches here in Germany but I had plenty of experience with them in Texas.  Good luck.

  4. EWWWWW I hate those things.  I have no clue but when I lived in Aussie (dont get them here in the sth island of new zealand)  I got the exterminator in.

  5. You don't say if you live in a single house or a building with other units. If it is a house, call an exterminator. It may take several visits to get rid of them (the roaches, not the exterminator).

    Make sure you empty ALL of your cabinets and closets each and every time you treat your place. It is a pain, but it is effective.

    If you live in a multi-family dwelling, ALL the neighbors have to treat at the same time. If you treat your place, and your neighbor doesn't, the roaches just run over there for a safe place until yours is cleared of the insecticide.

  6. Let them have some fun!  Sounds like they have been through  rather a lot recently, and the snow angel thing  aint gonna last long!   when they start with their last hurrahs, you will be glad you gave them a little "happy  time"......Trust me, the acid will get them in the end.  cheers.  :)

  7. The Boric acid will kill them, just give it a little time.

  8. Many chemicals can be effective, though they may react with any surface. I use Clorox Cleanup spray, and it's cheaper than ROACH AWAY, and also cleans an area.

       They will die in hot tap water as well, though that would mean confining them.

       Boric Acid only serves to irritate them, it's neither a killler nor an effection barrier.

       They were here since just after WATER, survived NUKING, and will likely outlive all other species.

       One thing you might consider is the BILLIONS of $$$ spent on CRITTER stuff, and buy stock, not product.

       In FL,  I often hear them late at night playing to a crowd, as a Mariachi Band.

    Just my two "sense"

  9. if all fails...use a shoe

  10. lol like your humor-everything your using works-sounds like a heavy infestation-might consider a professional to deal with them to knock them flat-will be a mass funeral

  11. LOL,,,, I would call in the PROS !! Find a good exterminator it will cost more but they no how to deal with these happy partiers better than we do .

    Dont forget the 21 gun sallute

  12. Your house or apartment is probably sitting on a nest, if this is the case you will have to start your attack from the outside. A good starting place is where you turn your water on and off outside put some poison inside there. If you can get under your place do the same thing there once you have done this get professional strength fog bombs and set them off inside one in every room, open all cabinet doors and closet and in the Attic if you have access. If there are any open flames like from a hot water heater or something like that put them out, you don't want to blow up your home.

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