
HELP theres a SNAKE in our house!!?

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HELP US!!! A snake somehow got in our house! My mom saw a long black one downstairs about an hour ago.

a. Can snakes go upstairs??

b. How can we try to lure the snake out from hiding to get it out??

c. Is it safe to stay in our house tonight with out small dog?

**we've already had the police/ firdepartment come out to help us look for it.




  1. snakes can go eney where they want even places in your house you cant go. snakes can go under doors so if possible you can get a dead rat and place on the ground and wait. snakes are really dangerous and if you go to sleep tonight you may not wake back up. it has to be a black garden snake. i get those in my old back yard.

  2. Hi, we live in Florida, where lizards and snakes like to take refuge from the heat indoors! Several ways to catch this snake are: 1. Throw a heavy, rumpled tshirt or towel over the snake. He will coil up once covered, and then you can either cover the shirt with a large container like a trash can or wastebasket or sweep him out the door tshirt and all. If you trap him under a container then slide the container towards the door withot lifing it up. You can also slide a flat piece of board or cardboard underneath the container and then bring the whole thing out being careful not to lift the lid (you flip the container over once the lid is on). Also, if you can't find the snake, bait it by laying a wastebasket on its side with some sort of nesting material in it and the snake will eventually hide there. Good luck, sounds like you may have a rat snake or black racer and they are not poisonous. However NEVER handle a snake that has not been properly identified by an expert!

  3. Where in the country are you located?  If there is any risk that the snake is venomous, you should call a pest control company.  Otherwise, I'd just try to find it and catch it or it will be there awhile.

    The snake can go up stairs and pretty much anywhere else it feels like.  There probably isn't any way to lure it out unless your house is cool and you can offer a heat source to attract it.

    The dog will probably bark if it sees the snake, allowing you to catch it.  Unless it's a huge escaped pet snake (like a burmese python), it's not going to try to eat the dog.

  4. if you live in the southeast then long and black usually means a rat snake which is not poisonous... but you always have to be careful just in case it's something else...

    i would put your dog in a carpeted room and close the door... that way the snake couldnt get under the door if ur dog accidentally pisses it off...

    yes snakes can go upstairs, but it's unlikely that it will... if you see it just get a push broom or a broom with a long handle and push it out the door... dont try to pick it up like Jeff corwin does it... cuz thats' stupid...

    it's probably scared is y it's hiding... check under EVERYTHING but pick up things with a stick or something that's not ur hand and stay away from it when ur looking under it...

    good luck!

  5. I haven't ever seen a snake go up stairs but im sure if they have strong enough muscles the could get up. Snakes like heat so if you get a heat lamp it will attract him. I think its probably fine to stay in your house unless it was huge like a python or something.

  6. That could be a King Snake. And it shouldnt do anything to your dog. You would have to have an anaconda in your house to eat your dog. But to be on the safe side, keep it away from your dog. Just lock it in your bathroom overnight and it should go down the toilet itself. Thats probably where it came from.

    Good Luck.


  7. I think you can stay in your house. DO you know what kind of snake it is?

  8. a. yes

    b. cain't just let animal control handle it .If you don't know what kind of snake it is

    c. yes

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