
HELP this morning there are 30-40 thin tall mushrooms in my flower bed. Yuck I applied miracle grow yesterday?

by  |  earlier

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for the first time and then it rained into the night and had been raining on and off for about 2 days. I am in southeastern PA zone 7 I believe. I have natural mulch made from my aunt in laws yard in the country.




  1. just take a rake and move the mulch around.... that will destroy the mushrooms.... and open the mulch to the air a little.... the problem will go away as the mulch dries out... it's just your mulch and soil doing what comes naturally.... and the Miracle Grow didn't do it... the rains did... there must have been spores already in the mulch or your soil.....

  2. looks ike there were spores in your soil or mulch, and the environment for them is perfect.

    try letting them dry out more.

  3. two days of rain <<this is mushroom germination type weather.

    but also, if u mean the miraclegro organic soil<<i recently heard someone else complain of the same thing. maybe mg  used manure with spores in it.

    pluck the mushrooms out with the least disturbance possible so they will not discharge their spores; do not squash them into the soil since each little piece can make a new colony.

  4. mushrooms are a sign of to much water

  5. I don't think the miracle grow had anything to do with the mushrooms.  I use it and don't have the problem.  I have found that some types of mulch seem to have more mushrooms than others, and that may be the problem.  Just remove them.

    Good Luck!

  6. I sometimes get mushrooms when it rains too much too....what I do is.... pick the mushrooms first (carefull not to leave broken pieces)  then I use a long screwdriver and stick it into the "root" of what is left of the mushroom.  (just jab it in and around the area of the mushroom)This allows air to get at the mushroom and basically kills it.  I know it sounds stupid, but it works for me.  Good luck.

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