
HELP! vision blacks out in eye?

by  |  earlier

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Every once in awhile, one of my eye starts to like see black. Like i'm not sure how to describe it. uhhh so like its normal but then i start seeing some black in one eye until it completely goes all black in that eye but my other eye sees that that eye is still open. and like, it usually goes away in a minute or so and it doesnt happen that often. it has happened maybe four or five times since like over a year ago.... any idea or input on any of this? is it serious?




  1. You need to see an eye specialist straight away, it could be a detached retina, a damaged nerve, or some other problem that needs fast attention before it becomes more serious.

  2. what eyedoc is telling you is that you should go to the ER or your DR ASAP, you need a vascular work up, you could have a stroke

  3. see an eye doctor urgently - could be retinal detachment.

  4. It sounds like a condition called amaurosis fugax. Usually represents a transient blockage of the blood supply to one eye. If you are over 60, and particularly if you are a smoker and or have high cholesterol, it could be because of fatty deposits on the wall of the carotid artery. It is not due to retinal detachment but do make sure you see a doctor soon!

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