
HELP. what can i do to stand out at tryouts? in a good way.?

by  |  earlier

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they are tomorrow.

i'm so nervous. :/






  1. 1 - listen to instructions

    2 - be supportive of everyone - and not fake support, they may be your future teammates, encourage them

    3 - give it your all, don't slack off - otherwise you may wonder what would have happened if you had tried your hardest

    4 - have fun

  2. Wear a bright shirt so u stand out more.  Also hustle during the drills don't walk run!!!  Coaches also appreciate it when you pay attention and they don't have to repeat what to do.  Don't take forever when they give you a drink break too be quick!  Just do ur best!!!  Good luck!

  3. #1 Have u want to be there!

    #2 try ur really does stand out!

    #3 don't get a bad attitude...if u mess or something

    #4 listen to ur coachs if they say try something do it w/o complaining!

    Good luck! and have FUN!

  4. if ur friends r talking to u while the coach is talking, ignore them, make eye contact with the coaches and always listen, try your hardest and dont show a sign of weakness. hustle when shagging balls and everything, try your best and if u mess up, say "shake it off". be encouraging of other girls and show them u r serious about volleyball, dont laugh if u mess up, they will think that u dont care, make them watch u, but dont be selfish. take ur time when performing skills, dont rush because chances r if u rush u might mess up a little bit. and drink a lot of water, maybe bring a fruit with u or a healthy snack. try to talk and communicate with other girls u may not know. call the ball!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wear appropriate clothing like shorts and a baggyish t shirt and knee pads and have fun! eat a healthy  breakfeast so ur pumped and energized and gget plenty of sleep! dive for the ball, keep ur arms straight, bend ur knees, and dont lean back, take ur time with serving, remember to rotate ur body on overhand serves and to step before ur underhand serve, let sets sink ito ur hands but dont let them stay there, and make the daimond shape, before try outs warm up so if u dont ha ve  a lot of time to u warm up u will be prepaired so bump and set and serve and have someone toss it to u to help u with dives.hope i helped! tell me if u made the team!

  5. u know volleybal is a sports n sports is entertainment. if u can entertain u r a gd sportsman. try doing 'tricks' if u wan..

  6. Just do the best as you can at the drills and call every ball.  That'll show the coaches that you will talk in the game which is normally the hardest thing for them to get us to do.  Also when playing keep a happy attitude, accept constructed criticism, and be the person on the team that makes everyone play better together.  If you can do that then there is no way they can cut you.

    Good Luck and Enjoy Yourself :]

  7. Relax and breathe.  Being a little nervous is a good thing.  Being very nervous is not.  

    Call the ball LOUDLY.  

    Hustle all the time.  Even if it just to the water cooler.  Another example is the hitting line.  Most people walk or jog to the get the ball they just hit.  Run to get yours and get back in line.  Not only will it impress the coach, but you will get more hits than anyone else.  

    If your team mate messes up, go tell them they will get the next one and mean it.  

    If you mess up, forget about it.  Everyone makes mistakes.  Your goal is to only make one mistake at at time.  If you make a mistake and you constantly think about that mistake, you will make a second.  And a third.  And so on.

    If the coach corrects you, you say "thank you, I will work on that" and mean it.

    If you are struggling with a particular skill.  Ask the coach to see if they can see what you are doing wrong.  And then, use your "thank you" answer.  

    If the coach talks, you listen.  

    If you have anything negative to say about anything at the tryouts, do not say them until you get home alone in your room.  You never know who is listening.  (An example-some referees were at dinner after a match.  One referee was complaining about the one team.  A mother of one of the players from that team was at the next table.  OOPS)

    HAVE FUN!!!!!!!

  8. Sometimes coachability is a determining factor if everything else is equal or close to equal.  Try to be alert, attentive, and confident as they put you through the drills and tasks they have scheduled.  If you make a mistake or mess up on something then don't show over concern or dramatize it.  Just bite your lip and try to do better.  A coachable player with a good attitude is easier to work with and you are not going to get any better overnight.  This way you will help to impress upon them that you are there to learn, improve, as well as play up to your potential whatever that may already be.  Good luck!

  9. consistent player

    coachable player

    and I CANNOT stress this enough... a good vertical jump!

  10. Complimenting other players, Being loud, hustle, good sportsmanship, Coachable athlete, great effort and be respectful to the coaches

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