
HELP!!! what gets Ink out of Carpet???

by Guest62794  |  earlier

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My brother got BLUE ink on the his carpet and i dont know what will get it out??!?!?!?! i think its ink out of those stamp refills, im not sure.

And we are renting!!!!! Ahhhhh




  1. Try dawn dish soap or try putting cleaning product on the spot like resolve on it and then a damp rag ontop and then iorn the spot with the rag on top

  2. try oxi clean

  3. Well it is late so  I am not sending you out for cleaning supplies.  Not knowing the color of the carpet I would suggest to start with dabbing.  Then take a mix of COLOR bleach, cold water, baking soda and dish soap and use a tooth brush to gently scrub at it.  Then dab.  repeat untill is gone.  Will take a long time but it may work.  worst case, if there is a closet with the same color carpet you can just cut out one piece and throw it in the corner of a closet where you get a new swatch you can glue down.

  4. here this might help!

  5. Try a dry erase marker then use soap and water with a ruff cloth.

  6. A scissors!

    No - seriously, before you get the scissors out, you can try 2 different methods.

    1) Rubbing alcohol.  Pour some rubbing alcohol onto the stain and BLOT it with clean paper towel or white hand/bath towel (white so color won't come off of the towel).  Do NOT rub the stain, just blot up the alcohol.  The stain should at least get better.

    2) Hairspray!  Yes, just spray the stain, let sit for a minute, then use clean water and towels, blotting to clean the hairspray and ink out of the carpet.

    If these 2 methods don't work, and if it isn't too big of a stain, you could always clip some of the fibers away or even replace the piece of carpeting with carpeting from a closet corner or something.   Good Luck!

  7. If the other things you have been told to do do not get it out, when you can get to the store (Walmart, Kmart or some place where they rent Rug Doctor steam cleaners, Get a spray bottle of the Rug Doctor Spot and Stain Remover. It will get it out. I keep a bottle at all times.

  8. hair spray and dab

  9. ummm ink is pretty permenat in carpet just put a rug there for now and when noone is around call the stanley steamers

  10. best procedure we've used to date:,...

  11. well the best way to get it out is i sprayed it with frabrez then vacuumed, i also SOAKED IT and then covered it with dish soap and let it sit then rubbed then cleaned it out and let it dry then vacuume,tide to go then wet the dry then vacuume

    vaccumes really work try all those one of them has to work they worked 4 me! ( i had a lot of ink blobs on my carpet)

  12. rubbing alcohol

  13. (super clean) its  in a purple jug in the automotive dept.

    if that don't work than nothing will.

    read the label because it is good for alot of things.

    the best cleaner on the market

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