
HELP would you break up with your girl id you found out her hair was false?

by  |  earlier

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My girl just told me her hair isnt entirley real, I dont know what to do, give me your opinions




  1. depends how bad it really looks

  2. NO

    Don't break up with her because of THAT!

    u love her?

  3. Ain't dis in the wrong section? Lol...

    But anyway are we talking about weave of a wig.Because weave isn't that big of a deal but a wig is just horrible...

  4. no dude. her out side appearance should mean nothing if you really love her. that is one of the dumpest reason to break up with a girl.  

  5. So what does this do with basketball?  

  6. NO!!

    That's one of the worst reason to her.

    Is it a wig or just weave?

    If its a would be absolutely cruel of you. She could be ill or something and cuased her real hair to fall out. But if its just weave thenthats not a problem at all girls/women do it all the time.

    Besides if you liked her much you wouldnt care about her looks, but about whats on the inside. besides even if her hair isnt "entirely real" as long as her hair looks good it doesnt change a thing about her. She still gonna be the girl/woman you knew before.

    How would you feel if she broke up with you if she found out you had cancer or something and all your hair fell out? How would you feel then? That may not be the same situation your in now but its similiar. You shouldnt break up with someone you like for something as silly as hair. At least she told you..give her some props for that, at atleast..picture how she felt before she told you..she was probably worried of how you would feel about her then, yet she continued to tell you anyways. Now here' you go thinkin about breakin up with her. Thats sad.All im sayng is if you like her dont break up with her just over hair.

    Hope i helped! :]

    p.s- as for you other dimwits answering this question....STICK A SOCK IN IT!!!! so what if he posted the questin in the basketball section..what difference does it make..if you dont like it dont read/answer it. DUHHH!!!  

  7. I WUD STAY WITH HER IDIOT, if she was nice and went out with you, her hair don't matter, thats like braking up with someone cuz they lost there leg, and this is basketball.

  8. that would be weird to find out but no dont leave her

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