
HELP!!!A trade question about latin america and america.?

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what does latin america export and inport from and to america?

What does america export and inport from and to latin america?

also, what does each country depend on each other for?

and why is oil and gas supplies less secure in latin america than ever before?

ps- any good websites with info. would be appreciated. thank you so much.





  1. whats america for u ??

    america  is so big:   north   center and south :)

    people is wrong  saying only: america :)

    bolivia is america like  canada also is america :P

  2. The number one export from Colombia is cocaine. Like it or not. Then coffee, bannanas, roses (most roses in the US come from Colombia) and some textiles. Venezuela exports a lot of petroleum, Argentina, a lot of beef products (leather included)

  3. You have got to be more specific.  There is an array of things that are imported and exported like beef, cotton, foods, textiles, alcohol, carbonated drinks, etc, etc. The list can go on and on.  Some countries export specific things like Nicaragua the major exports are: beef, cotton, coffee, beans, rice, banana and textiles but they also export a number of other things.  Other countries may export different things or just about the same.

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