

by Guest61150  |  earlier

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well I been keeping a secret to my mom and all of my guy friends, im moving to another house in like a couple of days, and im planing on telling every one im g*y even my mom. But I know acouple of my friends like making fun of g*y people n they think its wrong for some reason. And im really scared to tell them because im afraid they will judge me and make fun of me.

And im planing on telling my mother and I know she will understand becuase my only brother is g*y too, but my brother doesn't want any kids so my mom really wants me to have a wife and kids when I don't want any. And im sure my mom doesn't want me to be g*y either because sometimes she says its not right 2 like the same s*x. And also im afraid to tell my family because I have a huge feeling there goin 2 judge me

what should I do!?

And if you think its better to tell them PLEASE give me an idea how to tell them!




  1. You have to live your own life the way YOU want to live it, not the way your mom or anyone else expects you to live it, be strong and do what you have set out to do!

  2. well you have to tell her, think about it she is going to find out soon enough. how did she handle when she found out your brother was g*y. i would do what you know she can handle. i would definitely make sure there is enough time to talk. just come out and talk about it. as far as your friends, you know the old saying if they dont like it they are not your friends to begin with. you have to understand though that everyone has their own opinions. some may leave you some may not. dont be mad at the ones who do, that is a delicate situation for some. you want them to accept you, so you need to accept them. i wish you luck

  3. there is nothing wrong with being g*y, its who you are and you are an individual,its a part of you that would be wrong for anyone to change. i think you should tell them otherwise you will be unhappy for the rest of your life,do you really want that? and don't worry about your friends if they are your true friends they will stand by your decision and support not make fun of you. as for your family don't allow them to judge you because every1 is different. you just do what makes you happy. follow your heart.

  4. Well when the time is right and you're sitting down with your mom say to her "Mom i have to tell you something it's been bothering me for a while I have to tell you"...then just tell her how you feel.  

    As for your friends, if you REALLY want to tell them, you can do it the same way you tell your mom.  But if you don't want to tell your friends, then don't.  You're moving and it doesn't matter if you tell them or not but I can understand why you would want to.  So just think these things through and goodluck.  

  5. U just have to tell them, be brave, they have a right to know your truth, and it shouldnt matter if they start hating u, cause u are clear to yourself, its your life, your choice, I know they will be really hurt initially, but slowly they will accept this, and yes, if your friends make fun of u, they arent true friends at all, dont be scared of the society, be brave :)  

  6. she's your mum of course she wants grandkids but she'd rather you be happy then live your just trying to please her. You need to sit down with your mum and just say to her, i know this will probably disapoint you but i cannot keep carrying on living my life in shame and trying to please you...Im g*y!    Seriously the ealier you do it the easier becomes, tackle your mum first, then once you have her to talk to she will help you tell your friends.  

  7. depends how old you are, LOL

  8. I think you should definitely tell your family and friends. This is a big deal in your life, so you should share this pivotal information with them.

    Your real friends will not make fun of you or judge you - they will love you no matter what. The people who are @ssholes to you suck - you don't need that negativity in your life.

    I would hope that if your Mother and family accepted your brother for being g*y, then they will do the same for you.

    Remember that you will always be judged no matter what - straight, g*y, bi, whatever. We are all judged, you just have to keep your head up.  

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