
HELP!I kissed my younger cousin brother by accident what should i do?

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I am dating , I am from Canada and now in italy to spend my holidays,i live with him in the same house but yesterday night was different i kissed him and he is freakin 2 years younger than me and he is totally freaked!!! What should be my next step?




  1. How do you accidentally kiss someone then?  Intriguing.  What did you do - trip and exclaim 'Oooh sorry, look, just kissed you by accident'.  I dont think so.   Just apologise and say it wont happen again and make sure it doesnt!

  2. wincest

  3. Wash your mouth with soap! Hurryyy!!! Then finish off with listerine!!

  4. Good. You have won. If u don't mint u can do that job countinously.

    Gud luck.

  5. Um... how about, don't do it again?

  6. Lucky guy, I wouldn't worry sweetheart it was only a kiss, I do more than that with relatives and we love it.

    Did you think to ask him if he enjoyed it, or maybe you noticed a reaction lower down?

    Don't panic darling, if you two enjoyed it go for it again lol.

  7. if it was an accident then its no a big deal

  8. How old are you ? Sound young and you should just forget about it. If it was an accident. Not sure how you accidenty kiss someone.

  9. stay away!

  10. He's a little freaked out now, but eventually he'll get over it and you'll be able to speak to each other again. Of course it's going to be awkward for a while, but if you apologize to him, and let it go, things will work themselves out.

  11. enjoy the memory! i did the very same some years ago.....2nd found out too lol. now we all laugh about hit (but he's stil lHOT!!)

    He's prob. just v. flattered.

  12. Get therapy!!!

  13. It's fine it's like you meant it ( Did You?)  

  14. change your name and move to alaska. jk that depends on what kind of kiss was it passionate?

  15. Leave that boy alone.

  16. Move to Arkansas and start a family.

  17. Your kind is welcome in West Virginia

  18. ewwwww..thats nasty ou freak

  19. Hangg on surely your younger cousins brother is still your cousin...

    SO therefore its kinda a bit wrong,


    it doesnt matter just make sure it doesnt happen again ever.

    Just sit down and talk to him and be like look that was an accident we both didnt mean it.

    Can we just forget about it and move on?

    See what he says

    Good Luck :D

  20. Well if it is your cousins brother....he is also your cousin. Apologize and dont do it again, because that's incest.

  21. OH MY GOD

    WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!!!!!!!!!!

    are you desprete or something???

  22. is he also a relative?  if so don't do it again.

  23. He's family dont ever do that that again!!

    If it was truely and accident then dont worry

  24. Im pretty sure in Italy if you kiss a guy your required by law to start making babies and get married. In that exact order.

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