
HELP!!!!!Need Advice for High School

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This fall i am going to be starting high school and i am sooooo NERVOUS. I was suppose to be starting high school with one of my best middle school friend and do the whole high school experience together but she transferred to another high school over the summer and ditched me here. Now i am basically by myself. I don't know anyone at the high school. I don't know what to do. I want a great high school experience. I don't want to be that loser walking down the hall. I want to have friends that i can talk to and that will be there for me. How can i stop being nervous about high school? What should i do to make a good impression and make my high school experience worth wild???

Please and Thanks!!!!




  1. it's not that's alot lke starting kindergarden..high school is pretty cool i guess. it's alot like middle school in a'll make new friends once you get there..just be yourself.just introdice yourself to new people.because you'll be in mixed classes with other's really not that going to be a senior..and i made it..

  2. all u gotta remember is to be yourself - don't try and be something your not. dont talk about people behind their back and you should make loads of friends. good luck :D

  3. for the most part most people who were close friends in middle school dont' hang out much in high school. It's a fresh start for most people-socially and academic wise. If you want to make friends join extra circular activities. Which ones depend on you. If your a brainiac try something like debate team or quiz bowl. If you want to get over you social fear being on stage in drama could do you a lot of good (plays are a lot of fun and a great way to make friends because you spend a lot of time backstage talking). If you like sports than join the sport you're good at. If you like music then join band. A church youth group is a good way to make friends as well. Don't worry about the seniors, if they pick on you they're just stupid because they were in your position once and forgot.

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