
HELPP!! I need answers 10 points for good answer!! please I need u guys! :(?

by  |  earlier

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ok...well..for the first time in my 15 years of parents let me go to my friends house at 6:00 and stay there till 9:30 PM!!! and my dad still thought that was a late time..he said next time it should be daylight 2..and stuff.. :( he also knows that it was just me and two no boys...and they are smart..and they live in a gread neiberhood.. how can I convince..him to let me go there more often.and let me stay till 9:30 atleast I really really need help... this was the best and most fun night I have ever had...because I was at ta and I was having soo much fun. :) please guys give something so I can convince to let me go there more often.. I already said they were smart...ect..great..ect.. so I need a plan.. to convince let me stay that late..btw there are No boys in the house just girls having fun..with her parents there.. :)




  1. write your dad a letter...always makes things better...tell him how its only girls and you arent doing anything bad...tell him to extend the hours because most kids your age stay out later ...if he says no agree that your grades will be high and your room will be cleac etc...

    if you ever need advice or have any questions view my website

    any questions, advice, anything...ive helped so many teens before and they all came back telling me i helped them...please let your friends know about my page too!


  2. i tryed everything with my dad it doesnt work

  3. The best thing to do is talk to your dad about it and ask him why he had any objections to this.  Tell him you are willing to compromise and be home by 9:00 or 9:15 (and admit to him it's not much of a compromise).  Ask if he wishes the mother of the girls to call him to extend the invitation to you and to let him know it's a girls only situation.  You might, also, ask your dad if you may have these friends over for a visit such as a pajama party so he can meet them (if he hasn't as yet - parents should meet all friends with no exceptions).  

    Remember that your parents are responsible for you and it's my opinion you should count yourself Lucky that your father wants to be sure you come to no harm. There wouldn't be so many teen pregnancies and drug-addicts if girls had a father at home or a dad who is protective.

    It's up to you to prove to your parents that you can be trusted and that you have good choices in friends. Nothing happens overnight so be patient and prove you are reliable and that your word is good.  Parents, usually, take into consideration your school-grades as a mark of your growing maturity.

    It may be of interest for you to know that a person's brain isn't fully developed until age 15 and prior to that age is when young people don't, fully, understand the short-term and, especially, long-term consequences of their actions.                

    God is Smart - in the Bible it says:  Suppose you can be trusted with very little.  Then you can be trusted with a lot.  But, suppose you're not honest with very little - then you will not be honest with a lot.  

    No-one, at the age of 15, can walk into the office of a large company and, immediately, be put in charge of running the company.  You build on what you have established and then, you become more trusted as time passes.

    I assume you aren't yet dating and this is a subject you need to bring up with your dad prior to the Christmas holidays when people will be having parties.  I keep advising and advising, on Yahoo, that young people date withina group as it's safer and, also, gives a better insight into the type of person you're on a date with.  I dated by boyfriends in the company of two or three other couples with the result that everyone behaved.  I doubt I spent more than 5 mins. kissing anyone until I was 19 (and one doesn't become pregnant by kissing!).  By this age, I was very sure of what character traits and mutual interests I wanted in a boyfriend but, still, didn't marry until I was 23.  I spent a lot of time "shopping" for a husband and glad I did.

  4. Wow, your parents sound super strict. I wonder why they have you on such a short leash? I do not know how you have been handling or reacting to your dad when he prohibits you from going anywhere late, but have you tried sitting down with him? I find that when something truly means a lot to me then it shows through a heart-felt conversation. You must let him know how important your time with your friends are.

    Also - give him all the reassurance he wants. Have him talk to your friends parents before you go so that he knows there is constant supervision and no boys allowed. When I was your age, my parents always got a lot of comfort from talking to my friends parents. You may not like this, but tell him that he can call to check up on you or you can call him at a certain time during the time you are there. This should sound like a pretty good deal to both of you.

    It is important to give a little to get a little. He needs to learn to trust you, but most importantly... give you the chance to gain trust! I hope it works out, good luck.  

  5. i THink your dad sucks big im 2 years younger and stay out past midnight......You have to  tell your dad your getting older and you deserve your space and you need to have a social life in order to get married and start your life. Let him no your not a little kide ne more

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