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I hav a crush on a jew an im CatHOLIC1@!!111!!!! I feel uncleen and almost ded atnyway. He is rely cute <3 OThe than religon he sit sin front of me in civs class. wat should i do??//




  1. there is NOTHING wrong with any relationships between Catholics and Jewish people---if you really beleive that there is--you need to examine where you got those ideas from....

  2. This question is in the wrong category.

    The matter that you like a jew guy is not a problem, but it depends on him. Some jews are very strict by allowing their kids to date others out of their believes. Anyway, i wish you Good Luck!

  3. I dont think theres a problem about liking a guy from different religions,we might come in different colors,shapes,sizes,and even with different bealives but we are still a human and love finds everyone...and if u think that u feel unclean for finding someone u really like that is just a little different then u should really think about that

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