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im going tuh be a freshman ; and my first day is tommorow ! im flipping out because my plan was to have a purse as a back pack .and now im having second thoughts . i tried tuh get a regular backpack but ran out of money aht the mall ! the question is should i be worried people im going to think im wierd little freshie with a purse or cute ?!




  1. you can use a purse the 1st week, because you dont do much the 1st week, then you can see if you want to switch to a backpack

  2. I'm sure you will look cute but in high school you really really need a backpack

  3. 1) don't call yourself a freshie all u little kids sound like retards just don't do it

    2) no matter what upperclassmen will c u as a weird little FRESHMAN

    3) should b fine but u guys spend all the time on clothes then think about it all day when every1 worries about themselves and don't even look at each other

  4. omg, don't call yourself a "freshie". i'm going to be a junior and we can't stand freshmen who call themselves that. so i'm just warning you to not say that! and carry the purse, people make fun of freshmen for carrying backpacks. but if you don't like it then s***w what people say and get a backpack. but seriously, don't'll be fine.  

  5. Calm Down!

    on the 1st day you dont really have to do anything just get papers signed. so look cute, wear the purse...n dont worry all the guys will be eye-balling:]]

    but be very careful senior & junior guys prey on freshman girls n try to get in there pants(lesson learned 4 me) but only he didnt get that far thank god!

  6. Don't worry about it. If you think its cute, people will notice your confidence,about using a purse as a backpack.  know ones going to think your weird.

  7. get over it.!

    its just a fricken purse.!

    ur acting like the world is going to end gosh u whiney little baby.!

  8. as long as its big enough and you arent having to hold all your c**p in your hands it looks good. WAY better than carrying a backpack AND a purse... thats my weird little annoying pet peeve.

  9. yeah all u get is papers lol

    u can do what i do, stuff everything in the locker i never carried a backback in highschool i would walk out my house with a money, pencil & a pen thats it lol, u can try that.

    but i thnk its cute, better tha n a back pack

  10. first of all, GIVE LESS **** ON WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK. put together a cute outfit that would match your purse. you'll look adorable and people who know style will see it. if someone feels like being a jealous hater, don't...ill try to talk clean with you since you're so young, but seriously sweetie, caring what other people think will make your life miserable. try to look cute, only for yourself and for those that care about you. make sure YOU love what you see when you look in the mirror. there are lame people out there who will try to put you down, because they're so desperately seeking a life. just...don't bother. have fun in school sweetie! freshmen year is bomb.

  11. BUNCH of girls wear big tote bags [purses]

    even freshies ;]

    just bring a folder*, because the first couple days will be all rules and sheets for your parents & you to sign.

  12. your going to be a freshman, noone is looking at you anyway.

  13. Dont worry everyone is nervous the first day and they'll be too nervous about how THEY look!

  14. no... you want to look cute... calm down lol... the first day all you get is papers... to take home, get signed... etc...

  15. no. u shouldnt care if people think you're weird just cause you're carrying a purse. its normal. :)

  16. that purse will be fine, dont worry about it! you'll probably look less like a freshman with the purse.

  17. uh who cares? your not going to be the only "freshie" with a backpack or purse, i can guarantee.

  18. dont get a backpack.. idk about ur school but none of the girls in my school use a backpack nemore. a handbag is much more mature and matches with more outfits

  19. Don't worry, I had the same dilemma last year when I was a Freshman. A purse will be find, I ended up wearing one, and a lot of other Freshman were wearing purses too! Also, don't worry, the upperclassmen aren't as mean as you'd think. Good Luck on your first day tomorrow, and I wish you the best!!  

  20. Don't worry I use a purse as a backpack and it's worked out fine for me. You will definitely find out that many people use a purse as a backpack. Although personally my purse often makes my shoulders hurt but I still love my purse!

    And good luck on your first day- freshmen year might be scary at first but it's really not that bad and overall it's a fun year! So just take it one day at a time and you will soon find out exactly where you fit in!


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