

by  |  earlier

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Does any one know what "STRADA" means? im trying to get into the admin account, and i dont want to delete any info, or mess with there account in any way, im not trying to ruin anything of theres, but i want to know the pass... =/ im trying to find some pictures that im like 90% sure she has, and if so, then she's in deep trouble so yeah "strada" is the password hint

=) Thnx?




  1. i'm going to assume your trying to retreive your password from your own xp computer lol

    get/buy a burnable dvd/cd disk

    download this

    download the xp one, vista one works terribly..

    you'll need an iso burner, cause you probably don't have one

    use that to burn the iso file to the cd

    stick that cd in the computer then shut it down and restart it

    i forgot how it really works because i haven't 'forgotten' my password in a while but a screen or something shoudl come up and look at it and stuff and it should give you the password

  2. think like she does if that is the hint other wise I think it's disgusting that you don't trust her and have to stoop to such low levels instead of just asking to see her comp

  3. ok, so this is your pc? if not, try to resist breaking the law...
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