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My Savannah Monitors tail was hurt 2 days aggo in a sink drain and now the very tip has died....What can I do for her!!! Will it just fall off on its own???? I will NOT take her to the vet as he wants $325.99 to remove the tail tip.




  1. don't worry it will fall off on its on

  2. You don't need a vet. The tail should heal on its own.

    Keep the cage clean, and apply some betadine and antibiotic ointment.

  3. The "dead" part of her tail will fall off on it own. Something you can do is give him or her warm baths daily or every other day. You want to keep her as clean as possible to avoid Infection.

    Keep the cage clean as well. $325.99 seems high have you called around?

    Our Iguana's get hurt tails all the time, Most of the time they fall off on their own. I have only ever taken one iggy to the vet because of a broken tail.

    Best of luck to you!

  4. hello,I had the same thing happen to my bearded dragon and i was told to put first aid antibiotic cream on it and although he lost half his tail, he healed. I know that you have a different bread than me but maybe it will work. In the mean time research this issue on the net and maybe you will find your answer for free. or the the animal to your local SPCA and see if they can help at a discount or they may have a list of charities that can help so you can get some vet help because that would be the best for your animal.. Good luck..and don't give up.

  5. The tail will fall off and I know a teenager does not have that kind of money. It was an accident! Call a vet and ask for advise and keep neosporin on the tail to prevent infection keep the habitat clean and dry. Inspect the tail daily but do not pull on it or take any scabs off this is a healing process. Your pet cost $60 and I know your parents probably paid that for you or that is an amount you could afford. Don't beat yourself up we all have had pets die (not that yours will) and we all have had accidents. Just give yours lots of love and attention and do not stress him out while he heals. Good luck and take care.
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