
HELP!!!Solving this equation...?

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I really need your help!!!

I'm supposed to solve this equation graphically and algebraically...

abs(4x-3) = 5*sqrt(x+4)

[the absolute value of (4x-3) is equal to 5 times the square root of (x+4)]

I'm really lost and have no clue how to go about this problem...and if you could help to describe the graph as well i would be very grateful!!THANKS!

Instructions about each step would help me as well...THANKS SO MUCH!!!




  1. abs(4x-3) = 5*sqrt(x+4) divide both sides by 5

    abs(4x-3)/5 = sqrt(x+4) square both sides

    abs(4x-3)(4x-3)/5*5 = x+4 do the math on left side

    abs(16x^2 -12x - 12x +9/25) = x + 4 multiply both sides by 25

    abs(16x^2 - 24x + 9) = 25x + 100 substract 9 form both sides

    abs(16x^2 - 24x) = 25x + 91 subtract 25x from each side

    abs(16x^2 - 49x) = 91 put it in quadratic form

    abs(16x^x - 49x - 91) = 0 solve for x

    abs(x =    9.2631) or abs(x =     -6.2006) applys abs

    x=9.2631 or  x=6.2006

    Your graph would look something like this:

    You would have two parabolas on the positive (x,y) quadrant that bottom out at the two values of x. The would go screaming off into infinity.

  2. Square both sides, you willl get

        (4x-3)^2 = 25(x+4)

      => 16x^2 - 24x + 9 = 25x + 100

    => 16x^2 - 49x - 91 = 0

    solve this quadratic equation and you will get the answer. Both of these numbers will satisfy the equation.

  3. Note that |4x+3| = 4x + 3 for 4x+3 ≥ 0  and -4x -3 when

    4x+3 < 0  .  

    That means |4x+3| = 4x + 3 for x ≥ -3/4  and -4x -3 when

    x < -3/4 .

    Next the the domain of 5√(x+4) is [-4,∞)  so

    for [-4,-3/4) we would solve   -4x -3 =5√(x+4)

    and for [-3/4,∞) we solve  4x+3 = 5√(x+4)  

    Graphing is a great idea at this point because the points

    of intercection of the graph give you a great illustration of the solution.  

    The square root graph is the top half of a sideways parabola with vertex at (-4,0) and the absolute value graph

    is a V with slope of -4 to left of vertex and 4 to right of vertex

    and the vertex is at (-3/4,0) .  That V should cross the radical

    graph twice, once between -4 and -3/4 and once to the

    right of -3/4 .  

       Solve the two algebraic equations for the unknown values

    of x  

       Graphically, you will probably use a TI-82,83,83+,84+,84+ silver edition  to plot the graphs, zoom and trace the solutions, or some darn accurate point plotting on graph paper

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