
HELP!!!!!!!What should I do??????

by  |  earlier

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If you made a commitment to god and ur self not to have s*x but ur bf wants you to do it with him what should you do? Should I tell him I want to wait or should I do it anyway. What if he brakes up with me because I won't have s*x with him or what if he tells everybody and they make fun of me? HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. If you aren't ready for s*x then don't do it.  If he breaks up with you then you don't need him in your life.  Who are you worried that he is going to tell or not tell?  Know for sure that he will tell people if you end up doing it.  That's to be expected.  It sounds like you need to wait.

  2. "What if he brakes up with me because I won't have s*x with him or what if he tells everybody and they make fun of me? "

    then so be it. that kinda of guy is not worthy. go find another one. in fact, he might break up with you after s*x and tell everyone how easy/simple you are. who knows.

    by the way, what does it have to do with Word Play? but since you are here. let me correct you, it's "Break", not "Brake".  :)

  3. If you want to wait, then wait. Tell him that and if he truly cares for you he will understand. If he breaks up with you he wasn't worth your time anyway. Stick to what you believe in and good luck :D

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