
HELP!i made a mistake!!please answer!!?

by  |  earlier

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this guy asked me out 3 days ago and i thought i liked him but now i dont have feelings for him and its uncomfortable for me to be around him, and now i feel bad cause i feel like im just leading him on. what should i do?!?!?!




  1. well breaking up is aways hard but just be honest say i really liked u from a far but when i got to know u better the feelings just wasn't there, you weren't the person i thought u were. so be honest and end it quick don't drag it out and do something stupid and make it harder on both of you.

  2. you should say " i dont feel like making things worse than they already are, i really truely thought i liked you, but things honestly arent working. I think were better as friends."

  3. don't heart him.Coz you did the mistake.just friendly with him and tell him dat you are not suitable for him in very kind manner.Tonight when you go to bed see from your mind that you are compleetly free from him with great confidence of you.Thats all  

  4. tell him your sorry but you just didn't feel any connection and that you get more of a friend vibe from him than a romantic one

    offer to still go on that date with him but as a friend

    good luck~

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