
HELP!!mouse in my room?

by  |  earlier

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i dont know why because my whole house is clean.(my mom is a clean freak she cant stand anything junky.)so idk why this mouse is here.And it wont go away.does it like to rest in my room??and would a mouse harm me or it just moves around when im not looking.and i looked everywhere in my room to see if it was anything edible for a mouse to eat.well wat i picked up was a ball of lent..and old pennies.but its still here.and my cats a persian.he isnt much of a cat getting type so he just leaves the room.

and if i let this mouse stay in my room could something bad happen.and should i set some mouse traps up with food on it




  1. I don't think it will hurt you. It may have diseases though. You need to get a trap and get it out of your house

  2. leave a non-lethal mouse trap, otherwise you'll have some rat guts on ur carpet lol. but yea it probably wont "harm" you but do you want to wake up with a rat on the side of your pillow at night?

  3. go to a hardware store and for less than a dollar buy a mouse trap -- get a little bit of cheese or peanut butter and trap the little fellow!!!

  4. Mice are not necessarily attracted by cleanliness issues - they look for safe dry places to nest, like walls.  The mouse will chew on your stuff and dig holes in the wall.  Personally I suggest either a glue trap or a simple trap that snaps and kills the mouse.  Mice have been linked to virus in their f***s, so if you find that, clean it up.

    If you set a bait trap (either traps are available at Wal-Mart or a grocery store, pretty cheap), use peanut butter.  The oils in the peanut butter are fragrant and attract mice quickly.  

    Do not touch the mouse with your bare hands, grab it with a paper towel or plastic bag as a barrier and dispose of it immediately.

    If left alone, it will just nest and scurry about chewing on stuff.

  5. I use to use mouse traps when I lived in the country. I had to have a neighbor help me discard it because I don't have the nerve for that sort of thing.. The electric one sounds better.

  6. We had a mouse that liked to hang out in my room (at night it liked to chew paper under my bed, so I'd wake up to these scratchy sounds and not be able to get back to sleep).

    We ended up getting an electric trap for around $5. It's like a little box. You put peanut butter on one end, the mouse goes in and gets zapped. It says it's painless, quiet, and doesn't take long. We got the mouse the first night I put the trap out - I woke up to a buzzing noise that lasted about six seconds, and in the more mouse. You can just open the trap and dump the mouse. No mess, no touching.

    I hate to kill them, but a trap may be your best bet if the mouse is really bugging you. It's probably after crumbs or paper or something. I don't really think it would harm you - just be annoying. Eventually it could crawl into a wall and die. Then it would smell. *shrugs*

    We're not really sure where our mouse got in either. Our house is old, so there's a good possibility there's a crack big enough for one to sneak in somewhere. Haven't had any more though.

  7. chase it outside then close the door.

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