
HELP!what causes global warming?need it to write essay and its due monday!please help me !i really need it!=[[

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1. who or what causes global warming?

2. how is it causeing it?

3. the evidence???

if u can answer any of these questions i swear itll help me so much and i thank anyone who can help me cuz i need to write an essay by monday and i cant find anything on this at all and ive searched the web for a week now and nothing,THANK U SO MUCH IF U CAN HELP ME!!!! I LOVE U!!!




  1. the cause is a higher intelligence than man thats weakening the invisible forcefield( like the invisible ozone forcefield) and allowing the excessive heat of the sun to touch ground. like starting forest fires and melting the glaciers of freshwater that falls into the ocean in large quanity, then heavy evaporation occurs and the winds carry them to the continents for heavy rains and floods. also so much rain is causing mud slides and sink holes. at times due to different temperatures the rain is transformed to snow for disasterous affects.. my belief is that exhaust, and gases  decipate in slightly higher elevations. the evidence man does'nt have this high technology. my only guess would be those beings in flying saucers. my belief is this is in 2 parts. first part is here in the oceans of earth. they hijacked people and found we're to savage, so best way to destroy all life on earth is to use nature against us. 2nd part is between 20 and 22 years from earth. in the late 1940's or early 1950's a band leader built a object and launched it which is now known as HALEY'S COMET of which 70 years later is on a collision course with the alien object that Nasa is having the Hubble Telescope track. i suggest they put a camera on the Hubble, because theirs going to be one h**l of a collision in deep space where a civilization and culture races to earth to take it over as the new specie, but will never make it. only the first part does'nt know this. their expecting them. but we can't ignore this. WE AS GROUPS ON EARTH HAVE TO DELETE GLOBAL WARMING, FROM ALL CONTINENTS IN GREAT QUANITY OR PARISH AND NO ONE SURVIVES. HAVE A NICE DAY.

  2. It is difficult to tell who is responsible. Some are saying it is a natural cycle between warm and cold climate. Another theory is that the carbon dioxide which being released by our modern technologies means ( Indstrial plant, Airplanes, cars, Ships and others)  forms a layer between the earth surface and space, such a layer will prevent the reflection of heat back to space from the earth surface, as such the heat will accomulate on earth leading to raise in temperature. It is exactly like some body who is sleeping and covering himself with a blanket, the blanket will prevents the heat that is released by his body to go off.  I hope this little information will herlp you in writting your essay. Good luck.

  3. This excerpt from the 1976 UN treaty may shed some light on who is causing global warming. When was the last time a treaty was broken??

    1. Each State Party to this Convention undertakes not to engage in military or any other hostile use of environmental modification techniques having widespread, long-lasting or severe effects as the means of destruction, damage or injury to any other State Party.


    As used in article 1, the term "environmental modification techniques" refers to any technique for changing - through the deliberate manipulation of natural processes--the dynamics, composition or structure of the Earth, including its biota, lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere, or of outer space.

    Why would such a treaty be deemed necessary, if the technology didn't exist? Food for thought.....

  4. the atmosphere traps in greenhouse gases that absorb the heat from sunlight and dont release it

  5. No one really knows.  It's warmed before.  We don't know why.

  6. Al Gore and his hot-air...

    the sun... I agree. Does a good job warming things up.

    Find out why the earth was cooler in the 1950's. Pollution was worse back then as far as air quality... cars are much cleaner now. Weatherman is wrong 6 out of seven days a week and we trust these idiots to be right guessing temps in 20 years?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?! Riiiiiigggghhhhhtttt!!!!!!!

    Why is there more ice at the southern pole than ever? They are calling it "global climate change" now since we have been in a cooling pattern for 10 years now. It even snowed in china and iraq this year...

  7. 1. carbon dixodie from power plants, 2002 about 40% of U.S. carbon dioxde emission stem from burning fossil fuels, for the pupose of electricity generation.

    2. carbon dixodie from cars, airplanes.  and buildings.

    3. deforestation, more than trillions of tree are cut down every year, it's throwing tons of carbon dixode to the atmospere.

    4.pollution from factories

    5. water vapor makes up 60% of greenhouse gasses.

    6.overuses of electricity

  8. The Sun is the cause of all warmth on earth.

    The Russians are leading the research because the Americans are stuck to the theory of co2, which isn't following the predictions.

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