
HELP!:what should i do when guys honk or slow down and look at me when they drive by?

by  |  earlier

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im 14 years old and look more like im over 18., always slow down and stop at the end of the street and wait for me just when im taking my dog for a walk or getting the mail. i dont wear S****y/S****y clothes just jeans and a covering top. what should i do because it happens very frequently and its really weird. pleasee helpppp!




  1. smile and keep on going. remember..don't talk to strangers.

  2. Throw a clip into your Glock 9mm. They'll get the idea.

  3. Yeah  i get that to, and I always have my cell phone with me, because you never know what the wiredo's would do.

  4. Welcome to my world, its been this way for me since I was 12 and I didn't (still don't) dress whorish either. You're luckier than me, when I was a teenager cellphones were not the norm in the 90's like they are now. This is what you should do if you have a cellphone or even if you have something that looks like one, get it out. If you have a working cellphone then call a friend tell your friend what is going on describe the guy tell them what kind of car and license plate number. If you don't have a cellphone like I said just fake it, do the same thing be like "yeah I'm on Cedar and this guy is in a blue car with license plate number 890xopd he looks creepy, good you're you'll be here soon" -something like that. Say it loudly so he can hear you, but sometimes when you get on the phone that scares them away.

    Also another thing you may want to do, is turn around and walk the other way or walk up whatever drive way your near, don't worry about the what the house owners say. I have had to do that a couple of times and have had some angry neighbors because I walked into their back yard, just explain that someone is following you and normally they  will understand. Go with your gut if you think the guy is going to give you trouble then walk a different way.  

  5. Don't acknowledge the creeps! It only encourages them.  Just keep walking.

  6. OH MY GOD!! that happens to me alll the time. I hate it. For me, the best thing is to act natural. don't avoid eye contact, but don't seek it out either. you have to appear really confident, so they don't think they can try anything. I try to hold my head up high with a disdainful look ,and usually they don't bother me. SOMETIMES a really creepy guy will try to talk to me, but that's a whole different story. Just a tip: If they do, give them the least information possible, and get out of there FAST

  7. Yeah, some Jackasses just do this. Science has proven it is because they are stupid. Look the other way. Act natural, like nothing happened.

  8. Well its rude for them to do in the first place so just pretend like nothing happened and don't walk near their cars people are crazy now.

  9. Don't acknowledge them at all, but do make a note of their license plates, if they are waiting at the end of your street for you, as you say.

  10. I got honked at when I went to get the mail today. The best thing to do, is ignore them when they look at you. Or hey, do what I do when guys honk or stare. Flip 'em off. I yell and cuss at them. That makes 'em stop ogling. Hey, it works for me.  

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