
HELp im REALLLY confused on THis????:(

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ok well im wondering january is cold june is hot well wat is feburary march april may september octobeer november witch on is hot and which one has cold weather??




  1. Isn't that kind of a judgement call?

  2. winter=cold

    spring=less cold, can be warm.


    fall=less warm can be cold.

    It depend where you live. The weather varies/changes in different parts of the planet.

  3. October and November are generally cold months. Your question isn't THAT clear so it's hard to determine what your really asking. April and May are more of the sunnier / rainy months. May is when hurricane season starts i think or June.

  4. Where I live Jan. Feb. March is cold. Sometimes April and May. June is cool to warm and July, Aug, Sept. is Hot then cooler to cold nights in Oct. Nov. Dec. That is in Tennessee. Sometimes even those change!

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