
HELp please!! HR 106 armenian genocide?

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hello i have a question:

Why did HR 106 fail?

i have no clue what this question is asking or means but i need to answer it. i think it has something to do with the armenian genocide. if u can anser this question or give me links it will be much appreciated thanks!!




  1. could that be its cos There are no evidence on Armenian genocide and its all made up..

    No matter how hard Armenia can try you can not rewrite the history

    and there is NOT an Armenian Genocide in the history..

  2. So-called Armenian Genocide is an absolutely lie.

  3. Why it failed, you ask? Because of politics, and because no one cares about Armenians! Our deaths are not worth thinking about...

    Like Hitler said:

    "who today, even speak of the annilation of the Armenians?"

    HR 106 was a symbolic Congressional resolution that asked Congress to recognize what happened to the Armenians in 1915, using the word "Genocide".

    Armenians world wide have been lobbying and protesting for official recognition for DECADES. Turkey currently denies that ANYTHING happened to Armenians.

    All we want, is the official recognition of an event that happened to our people, by the government we live, work, vote and pay tax in.

    So far, 24 countries, including the European Union have recognized the Genocide.

    Don't you think that a Genocide that has been denied for 92 years should be recognized as an actual event?

    The resolution is non-binding, it is merely symbolic.

    All it means is that: from this point on, the U.S. officially accepts what happened to the Armenians as a "genocide"..The "g" word causes problems with Turkey...

    In fact, in Turkey, if you say the "g" word in terms of the Armenians, you are thrown in prison..(Penal code 301).

    Secondly, if we recognize past crimes against humanity, we will be in better position to reprimand the on-going ones, like Darfur. What kind of messege did the U.S. be sending by vetoing it?

    Tom Lantos, mentioned that Turkey needs the U.S., more than the U.S. needs Turkey. As always, when a country recognizes the Armenian genocide (like Canada and France), Turkey b*****s about it for a couple weeks, then gets over it.

    I would like to mention that back during Bushs' election, my family recieved a letter from George f-ing Bush himself, PROMISING us, that if elected, he would recognize the Genocide..and like idiots, the Armenian-American community believed it, and voted for him!

    All we want, is the dignity that has been denied to us..for 92 years.

  4. Reality Bites, how can you say that we should mind our own business.  The US has never minded its own business.  I say that lovingly.. really.  The US has standards it lives by, and they find reasons to interfere in places where those values aren't withheld.  Look at Iraq and the Democracy the US is trying to establish there.  Everyone looks to the US, and so its statement, is really one of the only ones that count.  But don't think for a second that Condeleza rice doesn't know it happened.  Hear the tone she speaks in and look at her facial expressions.  Its clear that its all in the name of politics.

    Watch especially after 4:00

    Her statement that "we should let them deal with it themselves" is an excuse for not acting.  they don't want to ruin relations between them

    And so what if it does cause other genocides to be revealed.  Is that a bad thing? I know u're trying to see it politically, but this is a humanitarian question.  Don't over complicate it.  Ppl died in genocide.  their lives should be commemorated.  The End

    But ya. it failed because it was "the wrong time".  We desperately need Turkey's base for the war, so we can't afford to lose it as an ally.  that and the fact that ppl. admitted they were bribed to vote against it.

    It's turned into a political game, which is really a shame

  5. One reason and one reason only.  Politics.  America wants to keep its bases in Turkey.  Politics make strange bedfellows and the attitude is "who cares, it was almost a hundred years ago."  Well there are Armenians all over America whose parents survived to tell the story of the masacre by the Turks in 1915.  Now the Kurds have to worry about the same thing happening to them.

  6. Because they didn't get enough votes to pass the resolution.  It wasn't convincing and indeed was questionable to be labelled as a genocide.  Labelling it as genocide would open the floodgates for all other wartime atrocities to be labelled as "genocide".  Repurcussions would mean taking the country in question to international courts and of course reparations.  Take for instance our country, the good old US of A, won't we eventually have a problem in our hands if American Indians decide to hold us accountable for the acts of our forefathers and we as taxpayers will bear the brunt of those reparations just because of that "g" word. Because if history is to be taken into account as the Armenian lobby says, then it is applicable to them too.

    Condelezza Rice C-span asked that the US stay out of it and it is up to historians to settle the "g" situation.  Turkey has been calling for an examination of history by both Turkish and Armenian historians.  As far as I know, the Armenians have declined to open their archives.

    I agree with Rice, we have to learn to mind our own business and not be pawns to countries or diasporas that offer bribes or lobby furiously to further their own interests.  We have enough problems in our own backyard. Armenians should take up their issues with the International Court of Justice and not us.

  7. I think everybody's said their peace in one way or the other.  The simple reason is that they didn't get the number of votes. That's all.  Now all of those concerned with voting were not coerced, cajoled or terrorized into voting the way they did.

    Common sense for whatever reason prevailed despite the strong waves the Armenian diaspora created.  There are always two sides of the same coin.  They didn't want to flip it.

  8. Perhaps HR 106 is the name of the proposed resolution by the House Subcommittee? Not sure if it was voted up or down (I'm in Australia), but most of the pressure was coming from Turkey, who still hold the (untenable) line that wasn't a genocide.  Whereas Ataturk himself admitted early on that it was, and there are direct orders from the Three Pashas ordering the movement and killing of specified "people"...

  9. Turkey perpetrated the Armenian genocide but was not held liable for it.

  10. Not an easy question to answer...but i'm betting based on history and humanity that it largely was due to stupidity an political red tape.

    Its like these morons that want to think Elvis is still alive...yet we have the police report that he was hauled out on a gourney. Its like these sheer idiots that want to believe Hitler is still alive....or even more recent...the raghead leader...can't remember name off hand........that claims that the Holocause of WW2 never happened.

    Personally I detest all people that can't face the truth or couldn't see it if it was stairing them in the face. Too many times people have looked to "comfort" themselves and believe what is convenient. Look at all the support Hillary has, granted, its an uphill battle since she's hated, but her supporters would rather believe her lies than hold her accountable for what she's said and done.

    The Armenian slaughter happened a long time ago, it isn't a priority for anyone anymore...except for the few survivors you can find. The US and many countries recognize the importance on an international level what happened..but what do you do when the country is now your ally ? It could strain diplomatic relations to bring up something form the past and condemn a countries ancestors.

    On the other hand, maybe you can explain why muslim terrorists are burning people alive, beheading, hijacking planes and crashing them, spreading chemical weapons, the list goes on and on...yet the whining libs in the USA are all up in arms about what few things America has bonifide terrorists to get information to keep its people safe. We never stooped to the level of these other nations and groups and we did so to the guilty, where as terrorists struck out at whoever they could find....even non-combatants.

  11. there was no any genocide, there is no any international judgement (like lahey war court. it is international and only authorized court in the world about wars and genocides).

    there r million lies about it without any historical proof. but armenians have big lobbies and countries want armenian votes

    if a country has good relation with Turkey, they dont want to hurt Turkey with lies

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