
HEY I just joined my high schools rugby club. Is there anything i should expect? Besides boots what do i need?

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I am a 5'10 140 lbs

in good shape


I dunno if that helps




  1. Get a really good mouthguard - your teeth are worth the extra £10. And cycling shorts. I appreciate that this is more key for female players, but if your shorts tear then it's nice to have something to preserve your dignity. Also they provide necessary extra warmth in winter if you get long ones as rugby shorts are VERY short! Electrical tape can also be really useful for taping up headbands etc for forwards and also for creating makeshift garters to hold your socks up!

  2. I'm a high school rugby coach.  You must be sure to buy boots that have no toe cleat, as they are illegal. You should also immediately get and fit a mouth guard for practice; there will be many days where you will be tackling other players. You'll also want to wear sturdy clothing ie a rugby shirt, as t-shirts are as good as shredded.  Of course you should remove all jewelry and piercings before practice if you have them.

    Most of all though, go to practice with an open mind, ready to work hard and have fun.  Rugby is physically intense, it takes a long time to master, but once you get the basics under your belt, you'll be hooked.  Stick with it at least a couple of weeks and play a few games before deciding otherwise.  Although a little small to be in the forward pack, you have plenty of potential to excel as a back.  Good luck.

  3. ya there are a few things needed... for your socks get tape to tape around the top bit of the sock, this will keep them up and will help when u are in a ruck and will therefore add a bit of protection.

    investing in shoulder pads are a major investment, get the ones that cover not only your shoulders but your gut and back.. they just help to add a bit more padding for when u go in for that big hit or when someone else puts a big hit on u.

    a scrum cap ie headgear is advised as it can prevent a concusion if u get your head on the wrong side of a tackle or when u get raked in the rucks

    gum guards although i don not wear one is advised, it may prevent u from swollowing your entire upper jaw if u egt in2 a nasty tackle

    if you want a little more gear, rugby gloves are very useful especially in wet weather...

    and if u haven't bought boots yet i advise to get blades metal or plastic for use in dryer weather where the turf is hard under foot, however if it is soft or wet underfoot metal studs are advised as they will prevent u frm slipping

    good luck

  4. Shin pads and a mouth guard. You might find you want a bit of upper body protection. (Not the ridiculous shoulder pads American football players wear). You will almost certainly be put in the back line, maybe as a centre so you will see plenty of tackling action. Play hard and enjoy

  5. Try sox, grundies, shorts, an understanding of the rules....of the game....of gravity

  6. you'll want to get a mouth gaurd if you want to start tackling. Also I'm not sure what position your playing, but if you search rugby websites you'll find scrum caps and shoulder pads which are always a good investment. But those can wait until you figure out what position you'll be playing. Judging by your size you'll probably play in the back line so you might not have to buy them


    Just go out there open minded and be ready to be VERY sore.


    oh and if you have no clue how the game works (like most who go out for the very first time) youtube has a really good video called Rugby 101. Watch it and it really clears up a lot of questions!

    have fun!!

  7. Shin pads?

    Dude, get yourself a footy ball.

    Pass and kick it to anything that moves.

    Practice always starts with drop kicking goals, large *** punts, and bullet passes to the gimps with the cleanest jumpers.

  8. Ahem, I think everyone forgot a very important piece of equipment. Don't forget to wear a cup! The last thing I think you want is to be on the wrong end of a low tackle. It's required in the major leagues for a reason.

  9. All you really need to start out is a mouth guard and boots.  After a while you'd probably want to get some thick shorts and a practice rugby jersey.  You do not need any kinds of pads (especially shin guards).  And in order to understand the game better you should watch as many games as possible.  Cheers.

  10. well you could do with a gumsheild they can be quite cheap. You can get other protective gear but only buy them if you want to keep playing coz they can be quite deer. You need shorts socks and a jersy.

  11. Just a mouth gaurd and a pair of boots to get started. You don't wear shin pads playing RUGBY you Idiot. Go play footy.

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