
HEY YOU!! Yes, you! Is this a good way to get the school to recycle and help our community?

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I want to talk to the principle about it.

here are my ideas once I get permission:

~Get used paper that we used and do the thing with blenders and mesh wire to make recycled paper and write posters about recycling programs

~My school is small, so we get competitive. We could do a competition to see which grade recycles the most of something and they get a dress down day (we go to a private school)

~We could start an environmental helpers club where they plant trees and flowers and do recycling stuff and they could learn about greenwashing, etc. (We could plan it so we could have it next year)

Is that a good idea? Could it acually work? Should I email my principle or talk to her in person?

Thanks everyone <3




  1. those are great ideas especially the compitition that&#039;ll pobably work best! :)

  2. yeah i think thats a good idea!

  3. That&#039;s a great idea! I did the exact same thing and now we have small green boxes in EVERY room for papers and stuff! I feel like I saved 10 trees every time I see that box full of paper!

  4. yeah that&#039;s a good idea. I wish my school could work the same :[

    I have been trying, but I feel well useless :[

  5. yeah, hold an assembly- and you HAVE to talk to your principal in person. I heart how ur so enthusiastic about helping the planet :) Everyone at my school posted a virtual tree on their myspace/facebooks because every tree you post- a real one gets planted by the sponsor heres the code:

    &lt;object type=&quot;application/x-shockwave-flash&quot; allowNetworking=&quot;all&quot; allowScriptAccess=&quot;always&quot; allowFullScreen=&quot;true&quot; height=&quot;420&quot; width=&quot;246&quot; id=&quot;springwidgets_31141&quot; align=&quot;middle&quot; data=&quot; name=&quot;allowNetworking&quot; value=&quot;all&quot; /&gt;&lt;param name=&quot;allowScriptAccess&quot; value=&quot;always&quot; /&gt;&lt;param name=&quot;allowFullScreen&quot; value=&quot;true&quot; /&gt;&lt;param name=&quot;movie&quot; value=&quot; /&gt;&lt;param name=&quot;flashvars&quot; value=&quot;param_spawnDate=1209186942&quot; /&gt;&lt;param name=&quot;quality&quot; value=&quot;high&quot; /&gt;&lt;param name=&quot;wmode&quot; value=&quot;transparent&quot; /&gt;&lt;param name=&quot;bgColor&quot; value=&quot;0x000000&quot; /&gt;&lt;/object&gt;

  6. I would talk to her in person, make sure to make a good first impression. Wonderful idea!!!

    Good job at making an effort to help our planet!

  7. i think you should look for an advisor.a teacher you get a long with and would  be willing to help you.that way the teacher may be able to guide you a little better when it comes to presenting your idea to the principle.good luck.=)

  8. It would probably take to long to make a lot of paper for your school, but it is a good idea and it could be used for a lot of things, art class and note pads.  I think your principal would be really glad to know you are thinking and caring about the earth.  Doing some of your ideas would help to teach the other kids and even the teachers how important it is to recycle. I hope that you let the principal know about your ideas and that you get to do some of them.  They sound great.

  9. You have some great might look into what recycle items could bring money for the class with the most..maybe they get last hour on Fri. for milk and snack for doing good job...but everybody safe

  10. Making recycled paper yourself would probably take a lot of time and not be practical in the long-term.  It would be better to try to get your school to buy recycled paper instead of new paper.  I&#039;m sure the teachers use a lot of printer paper every day, so this could save a lot of trees.  

    Having a competition would be a good way to get people to start recycling.  Hopefully they would get used to recycling and continue to do it after the competition is over.

    The club sounds like a good idea too.  Maybe the club could hold a clothing swap every year or semester: .  This would help people reuse clothing instead of buying new clothes, which not only helps the environment, but also saves you money!

    Also, sorry to be picky, but when you&#039;re talking about a person in charge of a school it&#039;s spelled &quot;principal.&quot;

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