
HGH the way forward ?

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i want MORE muscle i want to get bigger all round will HGH do this for me and in 16 will it be alright for me im pretty sure i can get it




  1. No, HGH is not the way to go.  In the first place, true medicinal grade HGH is not available without a prescription, nor does it exist in tablet form.  Medicinal HGH is given only as an injection, using synthetic HGH.  In the liquid form, it must be handled very carefully, as the molecule is very sensitive to shaking, light, heat and cold.  Companies that sell HGH as a supplement are obtaining their HGH from highly suspect sources.  Usually it comes from animal brains, brains that are obtained in the buthchering process, and not always from the most sanitary of sources.  Can you say "mad cow disease"??  If the cow, sheep or pig brain they use for HGH is from a sick animal, guess what you could be at risk for getting?  And unfortunately, once it hits your stomach, you digest the tablet, breaking down the HGH.  So in the end, it does you no good at all.  Save your money.  As you are a 16 year old male, the usual cures will apply.  You want muscles?  Grow them the old fashioned way.  As you get closer to your 20's, time and puberty will provide you with the male build you desire.  Meanwhile, if you eat the right things, and exercise, you will have the building material you need to have a ripped look.  Just don't buy into the hype of the pills.  Even if you were to get the injectable form, without a perscription, you would not be certain that's what you were getting.  And although it might make you grow a bit of muscle, the studies show it doesn't translate into strength.  And HGH has side effects, even when used correctly.  It is linked to arthritis like pain in the joints, hardening of the arteries, high blood pressure, abnormal organ growth, muscle pain, headaches, and diabetes.  So no, it would not be alright to take it if you really don't need it.  

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