
HHH vs. Khali,who wins?

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HHH duh! Everyone knows that HHH has a 99 percent chance of winning at Summerslam.I gurantee that Khali is going to dominate the whole match,and around the end of the fight he's gonna mess up and get the Pedigree.Just like what happened with Mark Henry vs. HHH. What's the point of even watching.If Khali can job to Cena,Batista,and Taker he can job to HHH as well.Who hates theese kind of "David vs. Goliath" matches? I HATE THEM!




  1. I do.

  2. I'm going with Khali at SS i think Khali might actually wrestle at SS instead of standing there and clotheslining people and using the big boot

  3. Yeah Tripleroids is gonna win b/c he's married to the boss' daughter fricking cheater.

  4. Khali is going to win

  5. Yeah, that will probably happen since, HHH always has to win the big matches. I'm a HHH fan, but I'm tired of seeing him on the top. But you never know Khali could win, he's career is dwindling because of his knees, so they may want him as a champion one last time. Can u dig it!

  6. Yeah they dropped the ball with that match... Shouldv'e at least given Jeff Hardy a shot even if he didn't win he couldv'e gotten a push to show him as a top competitor...Khali is one of the guys who are just big so that means they go for the title even if they have no wrestling skills or any entertaining values at all.

  7. That's probably what will happen. I agree with you, David vs. Goliath matches are getting old

  8. im pissed someone didnt get their arm stuck in glass in the indian arm wrestling match on smackdown

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