
HI, i was wondering if anyone know Carribbean's meal pattern, their staple food & common celebrations.?

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Just some brief facts on Carribbean's meal pattern, staple food and their celebration.





  2. I will describe typical customs of Cuba, Puerto Rico and Dominican Republic. Might be the same in Jamaica and other islands but I am not sure.

    Quite a question if you need lots of detail but basically, just plain folks wake up to an early and heavy breakfast.

    The all time favorit is "Mangú" a green plantain puree and fried eggs, fried cheese or sausage. Variations include other tubers and vegetables as well as potatoes and bread. Cofee, milk and/or juices are always present.

    12 noon marks luch time, the mainstay is rice either cooked with beans or with any type of bean on the side. Cubans prefer black beans dominicans red beans.

    Beans are cooked to a creamy state and served over the rice.

    Meats are either chicken, beef, pork or goat, generally stewed in creole fashion with pimentos and tomatoes.

    Dinner is a 7 to 8 pm activity and is similar to breakfast. plaintains mainly but variations to include boiled roots and bread acompanied again by bread or sausage, eggs or what remained from lunch.

    Meal patterns remain the same all year long.

    Food is stored in refrigerators if needed and kitchen closets just like in the US or Europe.

    Caribbean people are descendants of europeans and africans (amonsgst other) the european descent having typically been the ruling classes.

    Lots of race interaction has happened and so it's meaningless to state that white rule dark and of this we caribbean people take pride.

    Nevertheless, european customs are part of our culture and the welthiest dine late and in luxurious fashion and tons of fine wine and scotch cases are consumed per year.

    Crop Over is one of the biggest festivals celebrated in Barbados. It has spanned over many centuries since Barbados first had African slaves who used to celebrate when they had finished cutting all the sugar cane for the season and they celebrated with song and dance, all these years later that is still what happens.

    The Crop Over celebrations start from May with Cavalcades in each parish until June. At the end of June the Junior Calypso tent opens and the good old Bajan lime - to hang out - happens at Tim's on De Highway. There is a thanksgiving service at the Dover Conference Centre to remember why we celebrate 'Crop Over' and to be thankful for another year's crop.

    In July there is the opening Gala in Queens Park and various events all over the island including an exhibition and folk festival. There is also Pic-O-De Crop, which is a competition for Calypsonians and the Party Monarch crowning for the most popular Calypso song for the year.

    The excitement starts to build with Foreday Morning where people party from dusk to dawn and then go to Bridgetown Market. The following day is Cohobblopot and then Grand Kadooment an all day parade where everyone dresses in costume and dances from the National Stadium to the Spring Garden Highway.

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