
HI!!! I'm an 11 you think I will someday have a chance at...?

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Being a poet or author? Here are one of my poems:

Is it me?

Is it me standing there?

Is it me the world sees?

Is it me?

Is it that girl

With dark brown hair

Chocolate brown eyes

Long battering lashes

And a wide smile

Is it me?

Is it me?

Is it me standing there?

Is it me the world sees?

Is it me?

Or is it the girl I strive to be?

Oh, and I also write stories but I currently have writer's block and have NO ideas!!!! Any ideas?




  1. Yes, honey, you're very good.

  2. I enjoyed your first poem, however your second one needs a little help.

    Its very hard to get anything published, but you should go for it if thats what you really want. Don't make it your first priority though, study other things as well. you're still young, you may have a [dream] career change :]

    good luck !

  3. That's actually a lot better then what I expected, sorry for judging you :P

    Well, someday, try being one of the youngest poets?

    Go for it hun, go for it!

  4. what you should do is post part of your story on here and see if any good feedback come towards it.  By the way, those two poems were REALLY good!  Of course you can be a writer/author when you grow up!  Just keep practicing, thinkig up ideas, and writing short stories to get your mind working out a web for a new story.  What usually helps me is going on a baby names website, scrolling through names until i find one, and once i find a name  taht is interesting to me a story will blossom.  Try it!  You can write really well.  I hope this has helped! =D


  5. Well the first has too many questions for my tastes, but overall it wasn't terrible. For some reason most of the second stanza doesn't sit well with me. But again, it wasn't bad. If you were looking for a "Oh my gosh, you're the best poet I've ever read" then too bad, I won't lie. I hope you were looking for honest, helpful answers rather than compliments.

    But you have a good base, and you'll only get better with practice. So keep writing. Practice and grow.

    Good luck!

    P.S. Anybody can be a poet or author. I think you meant "published", in which case, I should tell you that there is very, very, very little chance of getting published. Especially if you're a p*****n with little experience. But as you get older and more seasoned, your chances increase. Write because you love it, not for fame and money, though I wish you the best. Set your sights high and dream big... and all that other stuff!

  6. 11 year olds shouldnt b on here

  7. Maybe cause you're good but keep your chances open, never know what life will throw at you!

  8.      I think your first poem is really great, love.  Not so sure about the second one, but work on it and I'm sure you'll improve on it.  But for an eleven year old, I'm really very impressed.  Well done.  Keep writing.  I certainly think you have talent,

    Good luck

    Mike B

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