
HI. Moving to Spain to work. How do I get prescriptions?

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WE are hoping to move to Spain as a family to work. However, we are concerned about medical prescriptions as I take 4 diff medicines daily and in the UK am entitled to free prescriptions due to my illness. How would this work, at all, in Spain? Dont think we could afford to pay for it all!!




  1. All the above answers are right! You will find that you can get lots of drugs over the counter at the pharmacy!

  2. You may find you will have to pay for the prescriptions until you are into the spanish system. The EHIC card, that replaced the E111 is intended for tourists only and is not meant for long term use or for anyone taking up residency in Spain. You will need to enscribe onto the padron and speak with the health centre close to you, you may find you will not be automatically entitled to Spanish NHS to begin with, it varies from region to region so should be checked out properly before coming here, speak with the consulate or Embassy in Madrid for definitive information on your chosen region. You wil l also need a leter from the Dept of work and pensions to state you are not entitled to healthcare in the UK, it was something highlighted a few weeks back by both the BBC and ITV, there's many here who have no cover whatsoever if they cannot afford private. It may also be the case you have to begin paying the sociual security for a set time period before they will let you into the system

    If you are coming to the Communidad Valencia, then once you are on the padron you should have no real problem, but you will need to take an interpreter to the health centre with you to enroll and explain fully your situation. It will not be straightforward or easy...I warn you

    Maybe worth asking your GP for extra supplies to tide you over especially if the condition is life threatening.

    It is ridiculous that we are all meant to be part of the one state of the EU, but it really is not that simple, but should be

  3. If you have your E111 paperwork and card up to date, you should have no problems, as UK & Spain have a reciprical arrangement for medical needs. If you are going to be resident in Spain, you'll need to register with a Doctor when you settle there. Depending on the area you chose to live, you should find an English speaking Dr without too much trouble.

  4. You may find this article on health care in Spain helpful:-

  5. you have to register at the town hall  then  fill up the papers and they will send you your medical card´s to your home. I would make sure you get a medical note and letter from your doctor and health service at least you should´t have to pay for your prescriptions, also if you go to your post office  and ask they will give you a leaflet with all the detail´s of moving  abroad

  6. If you are moving to Spain you will find it alot different to the UK. If you work and are paying taxes your prescriptions are  given at a discount, if you're retired you get them free. If you don't work, you pay!! So, the simple answer is....get private health insurance before coming to Spain with the hopes of finding work. Although as you are already getting prescription drugs some insurance companies may not cover you for specific illnesses so check carefully.

    You can only stay here on an E111 temporarily, and when you live here legally and permanately you will need the E111 when travelling to the UK (or anywhere else)

  7. Hi There,

    Did the same around five years ago.

    If you are moving permanently you need to get a hold of the following forms:

    E101 - National Insurance contribution history

    E111 - Interim medical cover

    E301 - Social security (part of NI but related to pensions and unemployment) contributions

    With these forms you will have to go to two different offices (larger cities) or the town hall (smaller cities and towns).

    These forms basically transfer your working history and rights to the spanish system. Spain then reclaims the money from the UK government as they are in effect supporting you now... all this doesn´t affect you but is for background on the process.

    The Spanish social security and Spanish Employment ministry will give you two references. One states your work history as per the spanish system and the other contains a detachable perforated card with your "Numero de seguridad social". Take this card to the nearest doctors and they will enrol you in the clinic and assign you a GP. They will also send through a Blue magnetic credit card with your detils which you will need to present to the clinic.

    As you have an existing medical condition it is peobably in your best interest to ask for a copy of your medical notes from your UK doctor and have them translated (at your expense) for the spanish GP. This will help matters considerably.

    NOTE: As in the Uk if your treatments are expensive and for a certain ailment it may be that Drs are not authorised to prescribe the same brand in Spain. They may only be authorised to go give you an alternative.


    Despite all of the red tape above I can assure you the Medical profession in Spain is of a very high standard... I should know as I am recuperating post car crash...:-)

    Below is a link to my website with further reading on working in spain.

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