
HIGH blood pressure, 31 weeks pregnant?

by Guest64411  |  earlier

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I went to the Dr today for a regular apt and while sitting in the waiting room I started to feel really dizzy and light headed, plus I feel like I can't catch a good breath. I got called back shortly after I started feeling like this and come to find out my blood pressure was 145 over 90, which is why I was feeling so bad. I have never had high blood pressure, but the Dr didn't seem to be real worried, he just said we will def. keep and eye on it. He also said that if I start to feel like that again to go to the fire department and have them check my blood pressure. SO.... My question is what could have caused this sudden change in blood pressure? Also I have been feeling sort of bad like that on and off for a couple of weeks. Do you think it is the start of Preeclampsia (sp)? What will they do if I go to the fire department next time I start feeling bad and my blood pressure is high?




  1. hi hun ok most of the time when you are that far along the doctors do not worry because that is normal sometimes.if the next time you go back to the doctor and it is high they will check your urine to see if you have protien in it.if they checked your urine that day your blood pressure was high and they did not tell you anything you should not be worried.i had high blood pressure when i was 6 months and then it turned into hellp i happen to know alot about this stuff.i think you are going to be fine.just take it easy also when you start to feel dizzy lay on your right side for 30 mins.that should bring it down and try for the rest of the 9 months to take it easy and rest at least twicw a day.

  2. while i was pregnant i had high blood pressure and the last 4 days before i had my son the doc put me on bed rest because i the high blood pressure, and i had to call everyday and tell them what my blood pressure was and when it got too high they said... alright thats too high we need to get you to the hospital to monitor it and then go from there... it didn't really go down and they ended up monitoring it for a day and then induced labor the next day.  so what ever you do i would take it easy considering you are only 31 weeks,  if it keeps going up the doc might put you on bed rest

    good luck!!!!

  3. you should have bed rest and check your pressure regularly. the surge of bp during pregnancy is mainly due to increase in your blood volume which is physiological response of a mother to pregnancy. preeclampsia will cause headache, blurring of vision, swelling of fingers, stomach pain and of course a surge in bp. try to talk to your doctor regarding this. if there is a persistent high bp, you may need medication to control your bp.

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