
HILARIOUS JOKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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There is a guy named ned and he meets his friend at the bar and everyone knows him. ned tells his friend that he is the most popular man in the world. his friend is like yeah right. ned says name any guy and i know him. his friend says the president. ned says like lets go. so they go to the presidents house. and they ring the doorbell and the president awnsers he says hey ned. they play a game of golf. then his friend says queen of england. lets go says ned. they go to buccingham palace. thhey ring the dooe bell and the queen says hey ned nice to see u again. they have tea. well his best friend says the pope. he says lets go. well they get there and ned says. i'm going inside and when i come out i will have my arm around his shoulders that will be the signal that i know him. ok so neds gos inside and comes out with his arm around popes shoulder. then he sees his friend on the floor passedout. so he goes and he wakes up and ned askes why didn't u pass out when i meet the president or the queen of england. it wasn't that it was the guy next to me said whos that next to ned.




  1. its funny but nothing GREAT. its orginal though  


  3. pretty hilarious ...but u mssd up the last sentence .. but i get it!

  4. i dont get it

  5. Pretty funny joke, quite a while before I got it though.

    Nice one.

  6. thats funny, although you messed up the last line, but i still get it.

    should be:

    so he goes and wakes up his friend, and asks. Why didnt you pass out when i met the queen or the president? Neds friend says.. that guy over there just asked whos that next to ned?

  7. i don't get it.

  8. kinda funny

    kinda not

    but enjoyable


  9. who's ned??

  10. lol

  11. was that not the pope or something or was it like the guy  that didnt know who the pope was?

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